April 9th

Apr 10, 2011 00:02

 I had the weirdest dream last night...

So I was sleeping all nice and peaceful like when I drifted off into the wonderful land of dreams, and then things got weird.

It started out all nice and awesome with me and my buddy Blake at RenFest in our kick ass costumes (him as Ezio from Assassin's Creed and me as Morgana) running around the place being all bad ass- we were cashing checks and snapping necks. Just as we reach the jousting arena, everyone disappeared.

Not weird considering I was dreaming and normally random strangers always disappear in my dreams, the weird part was the cast of Merlin and Camelot popping up. So Dream-Me looks at Dream-Blake with a look of 'What is going on here?'

Dream-Blake simply shrugged.

We made our way to the jousting arena, where Bradley James and the kid from Sweeney Todd (who plays Arthur in Camelot) were about to joust. And standing behind them in the viewing box made of wood was King Giles himself- Anthony Head.

Of course, Dream-Blake had to steer Dream-Me out of the arena (I was not happy)

Just as we start walking away, we run into Katie McGrath and the chick who plays Morgana on Camelot. The four of us get to talking and all of the sudden, Camelot-Morgana is all like, 'If you wanna meet Anthony, I can introduce you. You see, we go way way way back.'

Dream-Me looks at Dream-Blake, and all he does is scratch his temple in puzzlement.

And then he DITCHES me to go hang out with Angel Coulby and they start selling beef jerky (cos Blake actually had to do that when we went to RenFest- he was a Jerky!Slave for all of 5 minutes). And while he was doing that, Dream-Me gets carted off by the two Morganas to meet Anthony Head.

As soon as I get into the wooden viewing box (cos I have no better name for it), there is a plethora of delicious desserts spread out on a table. I'm talking cake, cupcakes, cookies, chocolate, snocones, chips, and so on- but what is Anthony eating? An apple. Dream-Me just starts at the diabetic, sugary goodness while Anthony chomps away on his apple as he turns around, motions to the table, and says, 'Help yourself.'

Then the whole things shifts into this awesome dance club inside the viewing box, with Dream-Blake DJing the whole thing- while he's eating beef jerky. Everyone's clothes changed into either something from an underground punk scene or into night club clothes, except for Dream-Blake- he was still wearing his RenFest costume, only he had a leather jacket with 'Daft Punk' on the back and skull candy headphones hanging around his neck (Dream-Blake was blasting some crazy dance remix of the Doctor Who theme song). So everyone was dancing with each other:

The Merlins were dancing with each other, the Morganas were dancing with each other, the Arthurs were dancing with each other and doing this:

Anthony was having this crazy conversation with Dream-Blake as he bobbed his head to the music. He was standing there cos he's too cool for dancing- he was looking around like, 'Yeah. I'm too cool to dance cos I have an earring. And if anyone tells me to dance, I'll do this:

Dream-Me is just standing there watching everyone, I was completely confused.

Dream-Blake and Anthony wave me over to the DJ booth (which looks like a TARDIS), so I walk over just as Dream-Blake asked Camelot-Merlin, 'How did a bunch of Brits get over to Texas?'. To which Camelot-Merlin replied, 'There are two Merlins, how the fuck do you think we got over here?'. And Colin Morgan just nodded and said, 'We have magic. Duh.'

Dream-Me was half expecting someone from Buffy or Doctor Who to show up, and then Real-Me woke up.

It was a crazy ass dream. I think Dream-Me was so confused by what was going on that I forgot to jump Anthony Head's bones.

gif story, random, friends

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