January 26 2017

Jan 26, 2017 07:29

I had to quit Facebook. It was like an addiction for me. I have always been a news junkie and a political junkie. Facebook was like a shot of heroin for me; I could get news constantly and immediately, and there was always political news coming down my news feed. I found myself checking my phone daily. I tried to avoid politics only posting pictures of my garden, meals and food that I was cooking and harvesting from my garden, and not posting politics on my news feed.

I created a "Close Friends" group in order to journal my thoughts and emulate LJ in Facebook, but that was a room without a door in a building of madmen. The constant back and forth coming down my news feed was just too much. The "is it right to punch a nazi" thread that dominated my newsfeed for over a week became the last straw. I was and still am, absolutely appalled that so many "good liberals" are arguing that punching Nazis is justified. These are the people who chided me as a "fake liberal" because I supported the Bernie or Busters, these are the people who claimed moral superiority ... and now they are advocating violating the 1st amendment and physically attacking someone over their beliefs. As a pacifist I am shocked and dismayed by their behavior. Maybe this makes me an idealist... I'm not sure. I know that I can't advocate or support violence except as a last resort to defend yourself or another. I will never support aggression for any reason.

So, I am going to journal here. True the audience is smaller, but my closest friends on FB are still here, and even if they don't visit here every day, I do hope they pop in from time to time to share their opinions with us.
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