Birthday Gift Number 6!

Jul 05, 2009 10:10

Title: Play the Game
Author: Willow_wand
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1039
A/N: Happy, happy birthday to my dearest Monica. Here’s some Daddy!Ron for you. Hope you have a wonderful day. I ♥ you!!!

“But I don’t want to play Hogwarts,” Hugo said glumly as Rose piled books on the table in front of him.

“We played Dragons last time,” she said. “It’s my turn to choose the game. Daddy said so.”

Hugo groaned, but Rose ignored him, placing a battered quill beside the stack of books.

“Now, Mr. Weasley,” Rose said primly. “Please open your book to page four hundred and we’ll get started.”

Hugo flipped viciously at the pages.

“Don’t tear Mummy’s books, Hugo.”

“Don’t tell me what to do!”

“I’m your professor, you have to listen to me,” Rose said. “Ten points from Gryffindor.”

“That’s not fair!” he said. He turned toward the door. “Daddy! Rosie is bossing me around again.”

Ron entered the room. He could barely make out the top of Hugo’s head behind the large stack of books in front of him on the table. Rose stood in front of the table, Hermione’s old Hogwarts robes hanging off her tiny frame, the bottom dragging on the floor.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“Daddy,” Rose said rushing up to him. “Hugo won’t play correctly.”

“I don’t want to play Hogwarts,” Hugo yelled.

“I told you,” Rose shouted back, “it’s my turn to choose the game.”

“You played Dragons this morning, didn’t you?” Ron asked.

“Yes,” Rose said.

“So?” Hugo said, coming around the table. “She always wants to play Hogwarts. And never the fun stuff like Quidditch or Care of Magical Creatures.”

“But Arithmancy is very important,” Rose said. “Even Uncle Bill says so.”

Hugo’s ears turned red and Ron recognized the onset of an argument, as Hermione had directed the same expression at him for years.

“Is there anything you can agree on playing?” Ron asked, looking at both of them. “How about Troll?”

Hugo turned to Rose pleadingly, but she was already jumping up and down joyfully. Ron knew that Troll was their favorite game. Rose pulled off Hermione’s robes and laid them gently on Hugo’s abandoned chair. Ron picked up Hugo’s Beater’s bat and growled ferociously at his children. Both of them giggled and squealed, running around the room.

He lunged at them, giving them just enough time to dart under his legs. He trapped Hugo in the corner. With one quick motion, Ron grabbed at his ankles and turned him upside down.

“What’s this then?”

Ron looked over his shoulder. Hermione stood in the doorway wearing her dark blue Ministry robes. She also wore an expression of amusement on her face.

“We’re playing Troll with Daddy,” Hugo said, his face turning purple as the blood rushed to his head.

Ron carefully turned the little boy right side up.

“Are you now?”

“Do you want to play, Mummy?” Rose asked.

“Please!” Hugo begged.

“Do I have to be a troll, too?” Hermione asked.

“Daddy is the troll, silly,” Hugo said.

Hermione looked at Ron. “He doesn’t look much like a troll.”

“It’s just pretend, Mummy,” Rose said.

“Please play.”

“Oh, all right,” Hermione said. “What do I have to do?”

“Daddy tries to get us, but you can’t let him catch you,” Hugo said.

Hermione raised an eyebrow at Ron, who shrugged. “They like it.”

“Daddy, let’s play!”

“Are you ready?” Ron asked, resting the Beater’s bat on his shoulder.

Rose and Hugo squealed and ran. Ron went after them, letting out a loud growl. The kids immediately escaped him and hid behind Hermione.

“Eat Mummy, Mr. Troll,” Hugo yelled.

Ron threw Hermione a predatory glance, slowly advancing toward her. She took a cautious step back.

“Run, Mummy!” Rose squealed.

Hermione turned to run, but Ron caught her around the middle, holding her in a tight embrace. He nuzzled her neck playfully. He laughed when she gasped.

“What do you think?” Ron asked his children. “Shall I eat her?”



Ron looked closely at Hermione. “She’s too pretty to eat. Don’t you think?”

“Yes!” Rose yelled.

“No fair,” Hugo cried. “Girls are ALWAYS too pretty to eat. If I were a troll I’d ONLY eat girls.”

“That’s a horrible thing to say,” Rose said, rounding on her brother.

“It’s true,” he retorted.

“Would you eat Mummy?”

“Mummy is Mummy. She isn’t a real girl.”

“But you would eat me?” she asked angrily.

Ron sighed and reluctantly let Hermione go.

“Hugo,” Ron said. “Why don’t you help me finish making dinner? Rosie, you can set the table.”

“Aww,” Hugo said. “But we were playing.”

“Maybe you can play a little after dinner if you two promise not to bicker,” Hermione said.

“Okay, Mummy,” Rose said. “Come on, Hugo, let’s go.”

The two children ran out the door and downstairs to the kitchen. Ron could still hear them squabbling as they made their way down.

“They’ve been arguing all day,” he said.

“I’m sorry,” Hermione said.

“It wasn’t too bad,” he said. “Nothing like the rows Ginny and I used to have.”

“I don’t even want to think of what they’ll do once they learn magic,” she said. “I think Ginny’s already offered to teach Rose the Bat-Bogey Hex.”

“Why am I not surprised?”

Hermione smiled. “Well, I’m very grateful that you were able to stay home today to watch them.”

“Well, you had that report to finish,” he said. “You did finish it, right?”

“Yes,” she said. “It didn’t come out quite as I wanted it to, and I thought I might have added an extra clause about…”

“It’s finished,” Ron said. “Now you get to relax.”

“You’ve been wonderful this entire week,” she said. “I’ll have to make it up to you.”

“Really,” Ron said, raising his eyebrows. “And how will you do that?”

Hermione picked up the set of Hogwarts robes that Rose had left on the chair and slung them over her arm. She grinned at him and made for the door.

“I thought maybe you and I could play a game of our own once Rose and Hugo are in bed,” she said over her shoulder.

She shot him a seductive smile and exited the room. Ron stood for a moment in mild shock before his face split into a wide grin and he followed her out the door, fully intent on making sure Rose and Hugo went to bed early.

birthday, spidergirl

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