"Being Brave"

May 26, 2009 09:59

Title: Being Brave
Author: mugglemama 
Prompt: dying 
Rating: PG
Words: 500 exactly (and yes, I manually counted just to be certain)
Author's Note (if any): In Ron's final moments his loved ones find comfort in the fact he seems at peace ... they couldn't be more wrong.      *Thanks to those should be thanked: redheadsarehot , 
miss_daizy   and the amazingly patient and creative undercloakkept *

Written for rwhg_ldws  Round 1, Challenge 9 - *Mod's Choice*

The first thing Ron noticed was silence.  But for the occasional rustle of fabric, there was no sound.  He tried to open his eyes to figure out where he was, but his body wouldn't cooperate.  He suddenly became aware of someone's presence.

"Hi there."

Harry!  What's going on?  Where am I?

"Any change?" Harry asked.

Change?  What kind of change?

"No, but we didn't expect there would be."

Hermione!  You're here!

"We still don't know what kind of spell hit him."

A painful one.

"At least the Healers have made him comfortable, until... um..." Harry's voice sounded hoarse.

Healers?  I’m at St. Mungo's!  Tell you what; the healers are idiots - every inch of my freaking body hurts!

"He seems peaceful.”

Peaceful?  When in the name of Merlin's manky pants have I ever been peaceful?

"It won't be long," Harry continued.

Won't be long for ... wait, what? … No!  Absolutely not!  That can't be what ... Shit, it hurts. I can't breathe.  Hermione?  Say something.  Do something!  Help me!

"Harry, will you leave us alone please?"


Harry's voice was suddenly very near Ron’s ear.  "Take care, mate."

I don't care what Potter says, I'm not 'heading for the light' or 'catching the train from King's Cross' or whatever he effing calls it.  I DO NOT WANT TO DIE, DAMMIT!

"Ron, can you hear me?”

I hear you Luv, I do!

"Open your eyes, Ron Weasley, right now!  Open them, damn you!"

I can’t!

Ron didn't need to open his eyes to know Hermione's lips were quivering as she held back tears.

"I won't lie to you, Ron.  It's not good.  If there were even a shred of hope, I'd tell you to fight ... but there isn't any."

Ron could feel her hand on his chest, moving with his shallow breaths.

Hermione, it hurts too much.  Please help me.

“Oh god, how will I live without you, Ron?"

You won't have to.  I'm NOT leaving you!  We can fix this.

"Rose and Hugo... they’re on their way."  Hermione's resolve finally broke and she began sobbing in earnest.  "Ron, our babies...”

No!  Hermione, you can't let them...

"They'll want to say goodbye.”

Ron recognized the determination in Hermione's voice as her composure returned.

“Listen carefully.  Remember when your mum passed, how you made me promise that if the time ever came I wouldn't let them see you like that?"

Ron recalled the sad shell of his mother as she lay dying, suffering and weak and so… not her.  He'd sworn he'd do anything in his power to spare his children a similar memory of him.

This can't be how they remember me - I won't allow it!

"Don't be afraid Ron."  He felt her tears as she kissed his limp hand.  "Not you, you're the bravest man I've ever known."

Mum used to say you can only be brave if you’re scared, and I’m so effing scared right now.  Please Hermione, help me be brave.  Tell me one more time...

"I love you."

Hermione ... I ….

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