Ron and Hermione Argument Challenge

Apr 30, 2009 21:03

Title: What She Had Done
Author: RonHermione33
Word Count: 428
Rating: G
Pairing: R/Hr
Written for the Ron and Hermione Argument Challenge

“Good morning!” Hermione said, sweeping into the Great Hall and taking her usual seat at the Gryffindor table. The smile with her greeting faded though as she caught Ron looking daggers at her.

“Morning, Hermione,” Harry replied, trying to reflect what he knew was a very bad mood sitting beside him.

Ron bent his head down over his plate and continued eating his breakfast, refusing to offer his own verbal greeting to Hermione.

Sensing the tension, Hermione carefully asked Ron to pass her the butter for her toast.

“Harry,” Ron said, without raising his head to address their mutual friend, “Hermione needs butter.”

Stunned, Hermione and Harry looked at each other and then turned their gaze upon Ron.

“Excuse me, Ron,” Hermione began, “but I asked you to pass the butter.”

Ron looked up and glared at her. “And I asked Harry to get it for you.”

Hermione was flabbergasted. Over the last few days, Ron had been as sweet as she could remember him ever being to her. If she were truthful about the matter, they had seemed to be getting closer and closer to each other, ever since she told him in Herbology that she was going to ask him to Slughorn’s Christmas party.

Harry quickly passed the butter to Hermione, hoping Ron’s bad mood would soon dissipate.

“Who tangled your robes this morning?” Hermione questioned Ron as she began to butter her toast.

Ron ignored her and continued to eat without looking up from his plate.

“Busy day today, Hermione?” Harry tried to divert what he knew to be an impending row. But this time Hermione ignored him. Her anger was rising towards the stubborn red-head sitting across from her.

“I’m talking to you, Ron!” Hermione said, swatting a hand palm-down on the table, startling both Ron and Harry.

Ron looked up from his plate, his blue eyes meeting Hermione’s chocolate ones. “I don’t know why you are wasting your breath,” said Ron with a frown.

In shock, Hermione dropped her butter knife. “I don’t know why I’m wasting my breath either,” she replied. She then proceeded to wrap her toast in a napkin and rose from the bench. “See you in class,” Hermione said, addressing Harry as she turned to leave, without looking at Ron. As she made her way out of the Great Hall, she couldn’t help but chance a glance back at her friends. Harry looked as exasperated as Hermione felt. Ron was in full pout-mode.

For the life of her, Hermione couldn’t figure out what she had done to Ronald Weasley.
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