"You Are Beautiful" by missgranger2

Dec 28, 2008 09:54

Title: You Are Beautiful
Author: missgranger2
Characters: Ron Weasley, Hermione Weasley, OFC
Genre: Romance, angst
Word Count: 2894
Rating: GP
Complete: Yes

This was written for a very good friend of mine who doesn't see herself as beautiful. And she is beautiful both inside and out!  Thank you to the very kind and lovely Queenb23more for the beta work. Happy New Year's Day to all my friends here at HP_ Love!

“You Are Beautiful” by missgranger2

Hermione shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Eight months pregnant, her body felt awkward and her joints ached as did her lower back and feet. Will this ever end?  Hermione sighed and took a sip of her decaffeinated tea.  Ron had insisted she attend the annual Auror New Year’s party with him. It was held at his director’s house and was a casual affair versus the stuffy Ministry Christmas party that Ron detested.

Ron had left moments before, wanting to play a game of Quidditch with his mates in the expansive back yard. She surveyed the room and saw Ginny and Harry dancing slowly to the music of the live band playing. Hermione admired the beautiful satin emerald gown that Ginny was wearing and looked down wearily at the deep royal blue tent she had on.

Her body had changed so much. The gown she wore felt dowdy and boring. Hermione looked sadly around the room again and couldn’t help but feel a little envious of what other witches were wearing. She also took in their thin forms and sighed miserably.  I look positively ridicules. Am I the only witch in the world who’s pregnant right now? Hermione idly drummed her fingers on the table. I think I’ll just go and watch Ron play Quidditch. She stood up with great difficulty and waddled her way through the throngs of people toward the back French doors.

Stepping out into the cool night air, Hermione shuddered slightly, wishing she had thought to grab her coat. The night sky was illuminated with magically charmed lights. There was a large crowd of people watching the match. She looked up to see that Ron had shed his dress robes, his tie loosened around his neck, as he guarded one of the goal posts.  He was hovering around the post intensely, watching the chasers on the other team. One of them threw the Quaffle toward the post and Ron darted to the right just in time to catch it, a grin on his face. The crowd cheered loudly.

He looked down at the throngs of people and Hermione noticed his wide grin turn to a frown. “Time out!” Ron shouted as he descended on his broom. When he was close to the ground, he dropped the Quaffle and jumped off his broom quickly. He was at Hermione’s side a moment later. “You shouldn’t be out here in the cold, love.”

Hermione had folded her arms in front of her. “I’m fine, Ron.”

“No, you’re not fine! You’re shaking, for pity’s sake!” He rubbed his hands up and down her upper arms. “Let me get you back inside, Hermione, where it’s warmer.”

“Look, I’ll just go and get my coat and then come back out.”

Ron shook his head as he guided her back in. “You need to stay inside.  It’s freezing out here!”

“Ron, I…”

“No!” Ron opened the door and led her into the house. He shut the door and turned to her. “I don’t want you to get sick, love. You haven’t felt that well as it is.”

“But I’m bored! I’ll go and get my coat and then do a warming charm on myself.” As Hermione continued to plead with him, two women appeared beside Ron. To Hermione’s horror, they looked as if they stepped off from the cover of a vogue magazine.

The tall leggy blonde wore a short red skirt that was barely legal. She wore a halter top that enunciated her ample breasts and toned arms. The petite brunette wore a skin tight leopard print dress. It was cut low in the front and her rather large cleavage was barely constrained.

The blonde began to smile seductively at Ron, causing Hermione to stare at her in complete disgust. “Oi, Weasley! You play the Keeper position damn good!”

The other woman with big boobs began to nod in agreement. “You sure as hell do! I’m surprised you never tried out for a professional team as good as you are!” She smiled broadly at Ron, and Hermione didn’t miss how she licked her lips. The brunette was eyeing her husband as if she wanted to eat him.

“Uh…thanks.” Ron cleared his throat. “Um…Hermione,” he gestured to the petite brunette, “this is Alison Klineshnitz.” He then gestured with his hand to the blonde. “And this is Gertie Gabbs. They just started a few weeks ago.”

Gertie smiled smugly at Hermione. “And you are?”

Hermione spoke through gritted teeth, already deciding that she didn’t like either of the women. “I’m Hermione Weasley-his wife!”

“Oh!” She smiled, looking Hermione up and down. Hermione suddenly felt inferior somehow as the women studied her body. The woman’s response was cold and indifferent. “Pleasure.”

Alison nodded her head at Hermione and turned her attention back to Ron. Holding a cocktail in her hand, she began to trace the lip of the glass with her finger. “So…did you ever try out for professional Quidditch?”

Hermione could feel the anger rising and before she could stop herself, she piped up angrily, “No, he didn’t! Now if the two of you would please excuse us!”

Alison smiled at her and rolled her eyes. “Sure.” She turned to Ron. “See you outside!”

The blonde laid her hand on his arm, causing Hermione to bite her lip. “Yeah, Weasley, we’ll see you outside then.” She winked at him before removing her hand and headed out the doors.  Ron didn’t seem to pay them any attention but the women’s antics still bothered Hermione.

Ron took a deep breath. “Now where were we?” He reached out and took her hands in his. “Even with the coat and the warming charms, I still don’t like the idea of you out in the cold air, love.”

Hermione’s attention was suddenly drawn to the glass panes of the French doors. On the other side stood the two tarts, giggling and raising their glasses to Ron. She looked down at her large belly and felt her shoulders slump. “I have a headache all of a sudden. I think I might just head home.”

Ron looked concerned and squeezed her hands tighter. “I’ll go home with you, sweetheart.”

“No, you stay and enjoy the party.” Hermione forced a smile. “I’ll be fine.”   Ron still look undecided and Hermione rose up on tiptoe and kissed him lightly on the lips. “I promise you, I’ll be fine. Now go and finish your game!”

“Are you sure, Hermione? I don’t mind heading home with you now.”

Hermione released her hands from his and brought one up to his cheek. “I want you to go and enjoy yourself, love. You deserve it.”

Ron brought his hand up and placed it over Hermione’s. He turned his face slightly and kissed her palm and sighed. “I’ll be home right after the game, I promise.”

Hermione smiled at him. “Take your time, alright? I’m just going to go take a shower and read a book.”

Ron grinned seductively at her. He lowered his head to her ear and whispered, “Need any help in the shower?”

Hermione swatted him playfully as he pulled back. “The things you say, Ronald Weasley!” She rolled her eyes as he chuckled.   “And no, I think I’ll manage.”

He wrapped his arms around her as best as he could.   “I’ll see you soon.” Ron bent his head down and kissed her on the lips, lingering for a moment. “Owl me if you need anything, love.”

She brought her hand up and wiped the fringe out of his eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” He bent his head down and gave her one more kiss before Hermione broke away to go and retrieve her coat. She chanced a quick glance out the door and smiled smugly at the two tarts still watching through the glass.  He’s mine!


A large towel wrapped around her large form following her long, hot shower, Hermione went into their bedroom and over to her bureau. She opened the second drawer down and pulled out a pair of rather large knickers. Hermione’s eyes fell to the right side of her drawer where she kept her more racier black and red satin ones and sighed. I surely wouldn’t be able to fit into those right now. Hermione closed the drawer and opened the third one down where her night gowns and lingerie were kept. She began to run her fingers across the lacey garments situated also to the right of the drawer. Ron loves the black see through number and the lavender lace satin gown.

She sighed as she looked down at her huge belly. At least he used to.

Hermione settled on a yellow gown that she had in the left side of her drawer. She pulled it out and draped it across her arm and then dropped the towel from around her body.   Putting on her plain, white large knickers, she lifted one leg slightly and then the other and pulled them up. A full length swivel mirror sat idly by the bathroom door and Hermione caught her reflection.

Nightgown still draped on her arm, Hermione walked closer to the mirror. She placed her hand on her stomach and turned to one side and then the other. Her thighs were a bit bigger and her bottom seemed to stick out more. Hermione sighed as she saw that the elastic in her knickers seemed to be straining to make it around her enormous stomach.

She felt completely miserable all of a sudden and put the plain large yellow gown on so as not to have to look at her body a second more.

Hermione wiped her wet eyes with the back of her hand and waddled over to their bed, the towel forgotten on the floor. She sat down and shifted her body back slightly in order to swing her legs up. Spotting her wand on her nightstand, Hermione reached for it with some difficulty and began levitating the numerous pillows out of her hope chest and over to the bed. When all the pillows had arrived, Hermione set her wand down and turned to begin arranging them behind her. It had become a nightly ritual that she detested; she constantly arranged pillows all hours of the night and thus never got a good night’s sleep.

Sweating a bit from the effort, Hermione took a deep breath and lay back. She shimmied a bit to the right and sighed. That feels good. Of course, in a few hours I’ll have to rearrange them all again. She picked up her wand and lit a light above her in order to read better. Hermione used her wand to levitate a book from her bureau about troll rights.

The book floated to her and she reached out and caught it with her free hand. Setting her wand down, she began to flip the pages to where she had left off the night before.

She tried to start reading, but her mind began to wander back to the party and the two women fawning all over Ron. He didn’t even seem to notice. But I did! Hermione bit her lip and slammed the book shut. She tossed it to the side of the bed and folded her arms. They were practically falling out their clothes for pity’s sakes. Hermione looked over at the closet to see her tent of a party dress hanging there. I looked ridiculous compared to those two street walkers I’m sure.

Hermione brought one of her hands up and pushed her hair behind her ear. She suddenly went rigid and slowly sat straight up. I left Ron alone with them! What was I thinking? She began to shake her head frantically. He loves you, he would never cheat on you, Hermione…or would he? Tears began to fall from her eyes. Why shouldn’t he with you looking like an overgrown Pygmy Puff? Hermione covered her face with her hands and began to sob uncontrollably.

She was so wrapped up in emotion, she didn’t notice the bed sinking down beside her. However, she did feel two strong hands that she knew very well cover her shoulders. “What’s the matter, love?”

Hermione uncovered her face and shook her head slightly. “Nothing. I..” She wiped her eyes hurriedly and tried to smile. “So, how’d the game go?”

Ron ignored her question. “Tell me what’s got you all upset, sweetheart.” Ron began to wipe the remnants of her tears with his thumbs.

Hermione looked into his deep blue eyes, full of concern. For some reason, she suddenly felt stupid or like an insecure teenager. “It’s nothing, Ron. I was just being…I was being silly is all.”

Ron took one of her hands in his and brought it to his lips. He kissed her fingers softly. “Don’t tell me it’s nothing when I find you crying your eyes out. I want to know what’s bothering you.”

Hermione sighed. Feeling ridiculous and nervous all of a sudden, she bowed her head so she wouldn’t have to look him in the eyes. “I guess I sort of got upset that those two women you work with were flirting with you.”

“Oh that.” Ron rolled his eyes and chuckled slightly. “You left before you saw me go outside and tell them both to stay the hell away from me.”


He lifted her chin up with one of his hands. “What? Besides, if you noticed, I didn’t pay them any attention as I was with the most beautiful witch there.”

“You don’t have to say that, Ron.”

Ron arched his eyebrow at her. “I’m not saying your beautiful because I have to, I’m saying your beautiful because you are.” Hermione frowned, making Ron sigh in frustration. “Look, Hermione, I could care less who flirts with me or whatever because I’m completely in love with my gorgeous wife, alright?”

Tears started to fall from her eyes as the misery took hold of her again. She knew he meant it. She knew she was being completely mental but couldn’t help it. Her voice was just above a whisper. “I don’t feel pretty, Ron.” He quickly took her hands in his, seemingly at a loss for words at her odd behavior. “ My thighs and bottom seem to be getting bigger each day. My hips are wider. And though I know I have our baby inside me, I hate that nothing fits properly anymore and the clothes I’ve bought lately are enormous.”

“Love, you won’t be pregnant forever.”   Ron said sympathetically. Hermione merely shrugged in response. “Truthfully, I like the new curves on your body.” He released one of her hands and began to massage her hip slowly. “It makes you even more sexier than before.”

She knew he was trying to make her feel better. “But..”

Ron put his finger on her lip to stop her from talking. “I don’t notice anybody but you, no matter who is around.” He bent down and brushed his lips across hers. “Do you think I treat you any differently or look at you any differently than before you were pregnant?”

“No. Well, I mean you do seem to worry about me more since we found out I was pregnant.” Hermione bit her lip and caressed his cheek softly with her hand.

“I do worry about you… all the time as a matter of fact.” He put his hand upon her stomach and smiled. “Do you know how excited I was to find out that I was going to be a dad?”

Hermione smiled as she remembered. “I was going to wait to tell you when you came back from your mission but decided to go ahead and owl you as I couldn’t wait!”

Ron chuckled at the memory. “I was bloody useless for the rest of the mission. Harry said I seemed to be walking on air or something.” He grinned at her. “Because I was and I still am as a matter of fact.”  Ron began to rub her stomach tenderly. “Seeing you carry our child makes you more lovely and desirable to me than ever before.”

She placed her hand atop of his and gave him a watery smile. “I think that’s the sweetest thing you have ever said to me.”

“It’s the truth.” Ron removed his hand from her tummy and crawled up on the bed beside her. He glanced down at his watch. “It’s almost midnight. In exactly ten minutes, it’ll be New Year’s Day.”

“Goodness! I didn’t realize it was so late.” Hermione shifted her large form to the side so she was face to face with him.

Ron reached his hand out and began playing with a strand of her hair. “You know… we should celebrate.” He waggled his eyebrows at her suggestively.

Hermione smiled. “What did you have in mind, Mr. Weasley?”

Ron reached into his dress robes and pulled out his wand. With a flick and a swish, he banished both of their clothes. He threw his wand to the ground and eyed his naked wife appreciatively. “Merlin, you’re beautiful!”

Hermione looked deep into his eyes and saw love and want reflected back at her. Ron bent his head and kissed her deeply, and Hermione gave herself over to the sensations. Her insecurity forgotten, she knew he would make her feel beautiful tonight.

ron and hermione

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