Welcome to The_HP_love community!

Mar 11, 2007 17:13


Welcome to HP Fanfiction Stories and Fanart Community  made by fans created by

spidergirl30  and
lillywmw  :


We ´re inviting you to join us and having fun sharing your stories or art :)
The FAQs will be posting soon for you  know how participating in this community.
I´m the moderator for stories and my friend
lillywmw   is the moderator for art.
Both of us aren´t native so we want apologize about the mistakes we´re doing in posts.Promise we´ll getting better and all stories published here wil be free of grammar and spelling errors.
Have fun!


PS: A little drabble for welcoming you here *wink*
Let me to know what you think ,please.


This drabble was written for  a The Quidditch Pitch challenge at last September.
All my work have been betad by two good friends of mine.
So you will find grammar and spelling mistakes just in my posts and not in my stories ;)
Enjoy it!

Tittle: Braveness doesn´t have size
The prompt: "Ron Weasley tries to hide his patronus is a Jack Russel terrier from Hermione"
Categories: Drabbles 
Characters: Granger, Hermione, Weasley, Ron
Genres: Drabble Warnings: Major Fluff
Chapters: 1 
Completed: Yes
 Word count: 323 
Rated :PG13

"Stop tickling me, woman! I won't tell you!"

Ron and Hermione were lying down on the grass behind the Burrow, under a big tree. That place had always been Ron's favourite when he needed to be alone. Hermione had her head on his chest and was playing with the buttons of his shirt. Hermione was pestering him about the identity of his Patronus. Ron had used it during the battle against Voldemort, where Hermione was injured and he saved her from a Dementor.

But Ron didn't want his girlfriend knowing the whole truth about the kind of animal it was.

"Hermione, I've told you. It's a dog. Now drop it, please."

Hermione sat up and started to caress his cheek with her thumb. "You've told me that much, but I'd like to know more details. Tell me, love."

Ron sat up quickly beside her, looking very embarrassed. He gulped a couple of times until he found the courage.

"Okay! You wouldn't have given up, anyway… It's a Jack Russell terrier." He made a face. "Yeah, that little. Happy?"

Hermione's eyes widened, and she put her arms around Ron's neck. Then she kissed him, lingering against his lips.

Ron looked surprised by her reaction. "Hermione, what-?"

"Ron, didn’t you know that is my favourite dog?"

Ron grinned, feeling relieved. He had feared that she'd think his Patronus was a weak symbol.

"But it's a small dog; it looks so vulnerable…"

Hermione held him. " -And also looks so loyal and brave, like you. Who said that only the big creatures can show power in this world?"

Ron kissed her neck. "Did I mention today that I love you? Now, can we drop the Jack Russell's subject and have a proper snog?"

Hermione smirked. "After you tell me what was the happy memory you thought of for conjuring the Patronus and -"

Ron silenced her in the best way he knew: with his lips.

fanfiction, hermione, ron, drabble

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