1. Picture(s) of yourself.
Does that work? XD
2. Nerdy hobbies:
- Two words: Video Games. My list includes the following: Ragnarok Online, Final Fantasy (most, aside from 8 and sometimes 9 *bleh!* and 11 can get annoying), Crono Trigger & Cross, Fatal Frame 1 & 2, TETRIS (when I bag my own groceries, I feel like I'm playing it), Dance Dance Revolution (Even though I'm not that good, I'm quite a closet addict).
- Mythology: I'm big on it. I LOOOOVE it. I get engrossed by all kinds, all cultures. This also includes folklore, faery tales and the like. It started years ago when I was in fourth grade, reading a Greek mythology book of my sister's. Since then, I have been a serious addict. It also gives some insight into a culture. Right now, I'm into East Indian mythology.
Being a writer, I find it helps inspiring me. :D
- Comic books: When I turned 10, I was handed my first graphic novel, called 'Elfquest'. I have been a serious addict since. No one really knows about it, but its a fantasy series about elves surviving in an uncivilized world. It's grown since then, but a classic all the same to me. I also <3 Wendy Pini's work.
I also love the following: New X-men, Fables, Hellblazer, The Sandman, and countless others. Most of it depends on the story, like Niel Gaiman just rocks my world.
- Computers: I love building them, repairing them upgrading them. When I have the money (because building and upgrading can be so expensive ><) I like to get the best of the best. I've had no formal training, but it excited me sometimes to just get down and dirty playing with all those chips and wires. *humina*
Also, I'm learning HTML and some other form of code rather quickly. Hopefully my other interests won't get in the way of that. I just have too many, sometimes. XD
- Japanese ANYTHING: Oh, who isn't? Since my initial viewing of Vampire Hunter D when I was 12 (Voltron helped alot, too) I've been loving anime. Since then, I have picked up alot of everything else. I don't have yellow fever, but I am quite obsessed with Japan. From the language to fruits, it just gets better and better. My library is quite extensive of Japanese language books and CDs, anime, manga, magazines, fashion books, Jpop/Jrock pictures and albums, etc. CAN'T GET ENOUGH. I also have this weird compulsion to look like a Jrock star. (as you could see from my photo). XD
- Gamer Dorks: Yes, I am a gamer dork. Although I may not understand the inner workings of everything as well as some of my counterparts, I do love to game. Some of the games I have played: Rifts (I loved that one), Robotech, Amazing Engine, Elfquest (DUH!), AD&D (second edition, if I remember correctly), and some White Wolf (LARP: Vampire: The Masquerade, Changling and Rage). Since the tender age of 14, I've been a big-time gamer dork.
And don't discredit them, not only are the fun to play, but inspiring. :D
- I'm an artist. I paint and draw, mostly digitally.. Nothing pleases me more than being creative. I like drawing/painting fetish/bondage/pin-up type girls (I'm such a deviant). More or less, it's because I like designing the pose, and drawing something that you want. Be it the girl or the outfit, I am to please. I also draw for a novel I'm working on, and from that, I draw ALOT of catgirls. *snicker*
- How typical of me, I read. ALOT. Mostly fantasy (Robert Jordan's 'Wheel of Time' series was an immediate favorite) and true crime (did you know that the Texas Chainsaw Massacre had only two deaths? Some massacre that was.)
This is going on for ages here, but here's more on my list: biology, psychology, human sexuality, fashion (any age)...The list goes on and on.
3. A brief educational history.
My education is tarred and feathered. This is probably where I will fail here. But, I will recount the best that I can, being that I moved so much, and my childhood was quite...traumatic.
From pre-school to 6th grade, I was the straight-A student. I was in all the special programs, including GATE. I went to other schools and the like learning above grade material. When I was in 2nd grade, I was to skip two grades, but my mother insisted that I stay with my age group. I think that had a part in my downward spiral.
Alright, so my childhood sucked. I won't delve to much into that. No pity fests here. But, because of that, and my boredom after 6th grade had alot to do with what happened to me later on.
When I was to go into 7th grade, I was supposed to go into the AP classes, but because they lacked room, I was forced to take remedial. Nothing says boring like remedial. Around that same time, I discovered drugs. (This is where you screm, "NO! BAD!!" Well, I know that now. XD) I did fine, but I found that boring, and did my own thing, learning things on my own.
When I finally hit high school, I quit most of the drugs, and started doing better, getting me into the better classes. I made it to Calculus (which I despise), and Honors English. At 16, I had a breakdown (repressed memories came back to haunt me). Because of said events, I was unable to finish high school. But, I did graduate on my own, I took the GED, and passed with flying colors.
Two years later, I went to college, and took web-design and psychology courses. Once again, more drama in my life. My father passed away, and a year later, my mother. I had to do the honor of dealing with my dad's estate, and my job wouldn't let me do everything I was doing at the time (that being school). So I quit. I was doing very well in all my classes, I had a 3.8 GPA.
Well, I'm 26 now, and starting over again. I'm starting school in the spring, no more drama in my life. :D
(and no pity! I don't want it! HA!)
But, I was in plenty of clubs and such:
Key Club (school fundraiser type of organization)
Art Club
Philosophy Club
Honors Choir
Band (I started with clarinet, and it grew to piano, guitar, oboe and sax)
The Rennaisance Faire (I was even in a guild)
Librarian TA (teachers actually fought over me, I will never get over that)
Frisbee Club
4. Hours spent on the internet daily and how you spend time on the 'net.
This one's easy. I'm an ADDICT. I can't get enough of the net. I can easily spend all day on the net. But usually, I spend it talking to friends, playing with code, and playing Ragnarok Online (I am such an addict for their frustrating game. Damn charming 2D sprites, I tell yah!). I love Livejournal, although I am not as addicted as some of my peers. But there are days when I am, and can post at least 5 times in one day (for me, that's just uheard of).
I also frequent GameFaqs alot, trying to get the best guide on whatever game I am playing at that time. Ragnarok is bookmarked a million times over in my favorites folder. I also make it a habit to try and find emulators for games I loved when I was a kid (GO ATARI!!) Like Battletanks. Love the Battletanks.
But to catagorize it into hours? For me, that's just hard, it changes, depending on my mood. :P
5. Other nerdy tidbits that make you unique or make you feel nerdy among your peers.
Alright, my main fault is that my attention span does not stick around for as long as I would like to. However, I do always go back to it when it interestes me at that moment. That's another great thing that I love about me, I'm eclectic to a fault. My interests are a broad range of things, I can't just pinpoint it on any scale where I stand.
What I have posted thus far is what interests me on a regular basis. There's so much more to me than that. But, I'll try my best here.
It's funny to me how I know so much about things most 'normal' people wouldn't even think about even researching. For instance, a friend of mine asked about the breeding af betas, and I just jumped on that. A couple years ago, I had this fascination with that type, and wanted to breed them to see what kind of colors I would get (here's where that love of biology comes in, genetics is equally as fascinating to me).
I always seem to impress those with what knowledge I do possess. I find it interesting, really, but all I can blame that on is that my parents wanted me to be self sufficient. So, from that, I from the mundane to the extreme, I always have my hand in it, dabbling like mad. Its also a big thing for me to know as much as possible about anything I do. I always want to be the best. My work enviornment is always proof of that (my coworkers always came to me if they dodn't know how to do such and such and the like)
But I'm not entirely sure of the title 'nerd' for me. I think I am at times, but I have never been able to fit any one stereotype. Maybe you can help me out with that. XD
And here's more interests for the time being:
- I was a big-time card collecting FOOL. It started with Magic: The Gathering when I was about 18, and then I started collecting others, like Poke'mon, Marvel/DC (the painting series, the Hildenbrants are my favorite), Garbage Pail Kids and those stupid little holofoils that came with Wizard Magazine.
- I read dorky magazines like a crack addiction. I love Wizard, Newtype (Japanese and USA), Animerica, Video Gaming Monthly, Computer Gaming Monthly, etc.
- The Renaissance period (not English Renaissance) is a big artistic turn-on for me. My favorite since 14 has been Michelangelo, his life is recorded into my brain. I <3 his pietas. I also enjoy pre-Raphealites, Waterhouse and Parish.
Art museums? Heh. Well, it's an eye-gasm.
- I have a this weird thing for crappy cartoons, shows and movies. Major soft-spot. Like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the first incarnation), Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (only the first few seasons, LONG LIVE RITA!!), The Evil Dead series, Land of the Lost (remember that?), Doctor Who (I <3 PBS), and the list goes on and on...
- I love web and imaging programs. Photoshop 6 & 7, Illustrator, Painter Classic, DreamWeaver, and the like are just FUN for me. And with my tablet, I'm good to go.
- I'm obsessed with the color green.
- Religion. Although controversial, I love knowing all about it. I like to have a broad spectrum of faiths. Although I was raised Catholic, I have no present denomination.
I guess it goes along with my love of mythology and folklore. :P
- Hygiene and vanity. I'm super vain. I'm also really big in hygiene. Whenever I befriend someone with bad hygiene or style, I always want to tweeze them, give them a facial, or something. I want people to look their best, whatever style that may be. It's almost obsessive. XD
Well, that's all I can think of at the moment. Hope it doesn't bore you much. XD
And thanks for your time. :D