Hey there, party people, the name's John, and I'm gonna waste your time with my sometimes repetitive and exasperating wit.
1. Pictures, hmmm, lemmie see what I have waiting for all of you up my ass.
AH! Here they are, pesky little things:
I love dancing, and Elmo couldn't resist my charms.
Here I am, looking like a ghost who doesn't know what the sun is (which I do, most likely).
And finally, the "O" face
2. Hobbies:
Let's see, I like to annoy people alot, but that's not really a hobby, is it?
I'm a huge movie geek, in fact I have a journal with one of my roommates where we post reviews of movies, books, music, video games, etc. Wanna see? Well, ok- since you asked so nicely it's
2guysviews. Don't say I never did anything for you.
I'm A+ certified to fix computers, but my lazyness kicked in and after a year of searching for a job, I gave up and became a roofer (no, not selling roofies, the manual labor bastards). So computer repair is now just a hobby I do for friends and family. I have about 6 computer's in my room, in various states of disarray and degradation, one day I'll use them for what I got them for. Now, if I could just remember what that was...
Web page design was a hobby of mine, until I got bored of it. I taught myself HTML and started on javascript, but the ADD kicked in and I found myself drinking on my roof 9 times out of 10 (I usually wasn't sure how I got on the roof without a ladder, but thank god I had my superman underoo's on, so I was able to fly down).
Books are one of my biggest hobbies. I'm usually reading 3 or 4 at a time. Right now I'm re-reading American God's by: Neil Gaimen, Silence Of The Lambs, Catch 22, and an early book of The Twilight Zone short stories.
I'm not sure what else I should say, I have alot of hobbies since my brain doesn't work correctly, but I usually don't finish my projects until 2 months after I start them.
3. Education
Whew, ok- you ready? Good.
Graduated high school class of 97' while there I was forced to pay attention during class, and when I told the teachers that I already knew the material, they got mad. Most of my time was spent reading various novels and such. Didn't do any homework, but aced all the test's so my average stayed around the B or C level throughout.
Attended the highly reputable Art Institute Of Philadelphia for a year, until I realized I was basically teaching myself, and the fact that it was an art school and only had two real art (drawing, painting, sculpture, etc.) classes I dropped out in search of the one armed man.
Afterwards I had a short stint at Community College, basically taking computer, art, and acting classes.
Then finally my step-father says to me, "Hey, John. If you go to CHI Institute you won't have to pay since I'm a teacher there." Wow, thanks dad, maybe I wouldn't be in a huge pile of student loans if you had told me that before.
So I went to CHI and graduated top of my class, honor roll and shit for Computer Repair. I then rushed out and got certified (which was a stretch from my usual state of just being certifiable), and rushed to not get hired for any of the million or so jobs I applied for.
I'm now back at CHI, studying to become and electrician, since I hear you can actually get hired as one of those.
4. Hours spent on the internet daily and how you spend time on the 'net.
Oh, man- when I'm not working, going to school, or drinking to try and forget who I am, I'm on the net. I like to annoy people, look for little jokes to make myself seem like a cool guy, and make photoshopped images of my friends in embarrassing poses.
I'd say I'm on for about 4 hours a day, give or take a couple hours. It depends on if I worked that day and if I'm passed out from not sleeping the night before.
5. Other nerdy tidbits that make you unique or make you feel nerdy among your peers.
I'm a weird guy, I like to make people laugh, and I'm wayyy too obsessed with Elmo. In fact, this picture of me
has been floating around the e-mail trail for a bit, I thought it was hilarious when one of my friends forwarded me an e-mail where there was a long discussion about Elmo attacking me.
That's about it, night everyone.
Ok- in response to the comments about my spelling I have spell-checked the entry. Sorry if I was half awake when I wrote it. I guess I'm the only one guilty of half-awake post's. Sorry to offend you.