May 09, 2008 00:36
We had removed ourselves to a secluded corner of Paradise, one still unknown to our brethren after all this time. It was our space, our time to call our own, when for those few moments we could forget our Duties and simply be.
Touch on touch, whispered words of love, gentle kisses along my fingers to heal my aching heart. All of it sweet in its beauty and bitter knowing what it had cost us to achieve it. But things could not be as they were before, this we both knew, even if we tried to hide it from the other.
In the moment that we parted, his hand brushed across my shoulder, sweeping through my hair. He brought his lips to my ear and whispered, "Tell me, my love, why are your eyes always empty?"
He had never addressed me so before. They were the words reserved for my Sister; it had not bothered me to be called something different, for I knew that I held his heart now, but to hear those words fall upon my shoulders was jarring. I turned to meet his gaze.
"Are they?" I wondered. "I would think they would show my love for you, for our Father, and for His Creation."
"They did, once," he answered, "but not for some time."
He held my face firm, studying it as I often watched him study Creation, intent on absorbing every detail, trying to find a pattern in behavior where none was to be found. My eyes dropped away from his.
"Perhaps they are mirrors for hers, then," I murmured, turning out of his hands. "For surely our Sister can have no love left within her."
My Brother said nothing more, only let me go. We did not meet again for some time, for we both knew that there was terrible truth in what we had both said.
The sin we had committed was beginning to consume us.
The Keeper
Original Character
"Why are your eyes always empty?" - Wuthering Heights
325 words
lauded: you rock,
community: quotable_muse,
discussion: messenger