Apr 04, 2008 20:33
There was a time long ago when the Lord God withdrew from our presence. Most did not realize He had left us and went about their existences as usual. However, I and my Siblings who would complete the Triumvirate went in search of our Father, even though we knew not where He had gone, nor why. We searched all throughout Paradise, for at the time, it was all there was to search; after what felt like Eternity, we came across Him.
He had opened a window to some Realm Unknown, and it looked as some kind of magic we had never before seen. It was a shimmering canvas of dark before Him, and we watched as His Great Hands reached into it and began to work. The Stars were the first to be painted across the sky, twinkling as they waited for something to shine upon. Then He created the shape - round, barren, lifeless. We watched in awe as He pinched and pushed, creating mountains and valleys, the Great Sculptor hard at work. After so much work, He wept with joy, filling the depths of the ocean.
My Sister wept as well, silently, and not for joy. My Brother did not notice.
We stood witness to the birth of trees and flower, birds and insects, animals of every shape. He remained so intently focused, so devoted to detail ... I have never been more amazed by the Divinity of my Father. We knew not what He was making when He fashioned something like my Brother, then removed its rib to make one like my Sister and I.
Finally satisfied by His Creation, my Father placed it in the Space Below, a place we had been forbidden to go to. Then, with a smile, He turned to us.
"So have you watched the birth of My Creation," he told us. "And so one day will you be asked to protect it. This Earth is a fragile place, but it is full of vitality. It will thrive."
My Sister began to quake in fear and anger; my Brother's eyes grew wider at the sight that filled the view and the possibilities it held. My own heart fluttered in my chest, out of anxiety and hope. But none of us could deny what we had seen - the brilliant artistry of our Father, and the start of an era in which our existences would never be the same.
The Keeper
Original Character
"For what we are about to see next, we must enter quietly into the realm of genius." - Young Frankenstein
418 words
community: quotable_muse,
time: creation