Mar 28, 2006 00:25
o Lose the 15 lbs you'd lost by this time last summer and slowly but surely regained over the past school year
o Read, read, read. Do NOT allow yourself to crack open a medical textbook.
o Swim or walk briskly for at least an hour every day
o Be good to your boyfriend
o Keep the condo clean
o Crochet a bikini
o Manage to look decent in aforementioned crocheted bikini by mid-May (har har har!)
o Watch all the movies you missed because you were too busy studying
o Clean the attic
o Fix your complexion (having been ruined by the horrendous amount of smoking you did over Finals Week, then over the post-Finals parties)
o Paint
o Sing
o Write in your journal. Write letters. Write stories.
o Answer e-mails. Answer YM messages. Answer text messages. Answer LJ Comments.
o SEE JAN AND GERA. See JO. See Ida. See other old, dear friends.
o Retrieve your Sandman collection back from JM
o Retrieve your Cowboy Bebop cds from JD
o Retrieve your Cowboy Bebop dvds from Jan
o Return books. Borrow new ones.