Jul 02, 2008 09:30
I couldn't think of a title so thats what I put lol. Anyway, I really haven't been doing too much lately. I have just been gaming (a lot) and listening to a lot of my J-Rock. I've been lookin around for some really good bands and I found a few that if they don't get some serious attention soon I'll fuckin burst. They are: heidi., Sadie, Head Phones President, Shing02, and NoGoD. Now seeing as heidi was at the hide memorial summit (still trying to get the footage for the performances from most of Day 1 and X Japan's and Luna Sea's performances but I can't find them anywhere for download except for torrents) they've gotten some attention, but the others not so much. HPP is fantastic, as Anza is one of the best female vocalists I've ever seen. Sadie is pretty good too(if you call trying to steal Diru's VK look good), NoGoD's vocalist Danchou is fucking amazing when it comes to his range. I was very impressed. I would go and compare his range to Kyo's but I'd catch so much shit for that lol. Shing02 is a rapper and my god is he good. I 've heard amazing rappers before, but he's definitely the best from Japan by far.
Speaking of Kyo, let's chat about Diru for a while. Well, we all know that GLASS SKIN is coming out in September, but whats gonna be the other song? I'm assuming that the song is still gonna stay along the lines of the album's theme of reincarnation and the like. If so, its gonna be just as good as Hydra 666 was on Dozing Green.
The Last couple things I wanna talk about are how excited I am about KAMIKAZE from D'espa. Very excited about that. Then we got the biggest news(in my mind) from the J-Rock scene, which is X Japan postponing their world tour due to Yoshiki's health. I was hoping they wouldn't have to, but alas they did and now we're looking at them not performing here in America until close to next year.That's a bummer, but you know what, as I always say, if you aren't gonna respect the artists then you aren't a true fan of the band. I just hope Yoshiki heals up real fast so he can come his ass out to the NYC and rock out like never before. With that said, I am done with today's post.