This cant be good

Aug 12, 2005 09:55

So last night i had the weardist dream. I have no clue y but i was hanging out with heather and all asudden i started to kiss her...Then she asked me to break up with crystal so we could go back out....told u it was fucked...I cant realy rember the rest but i do know that i told her that i couldent leave crystal because i lover her way to much and i know that i never want to lose somone as special as she is. Any way i thought i would share my fucked up dream...there is alot more to it but i dont compleatly reamber so i just wont say,,but there are better parts to it, parts that i dont want to rember.

.....So ya me and crystal have been doing pretty that Allissa and Kassandra are not telling me that they love me...Wow i never knew someany girls loved me...But anyway crystal fix that for me (thanx babe )...There realy isent much going on im moveing in with my mom soon i as get my lince..i alreay have my car...i just fixed it up so it purrs like a kitten so glade that i have a car...not i just need to get my lince on sept.20..cant waite...I finaly decided wut im doing for my birthday...i think im just going ot go camping for the weekend the 23-25...3days should be good enouff. Im still trying to find out who i want to bring. i know crystal is comeing if u want to go tell me and i will think about it...i have a car so a ride isent nessary.

But its early and i need to call some places because im looking for a new later gaters

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