(no subject)

May 01, 2005 11:53

So a pretty shitty vaction ended pretty good. Friday i fianly hung out with heather, we when with her sister so some club then we played pool for the rest of the night. After we played pool we went to her house then we played a lil playstation then i ended up sleeping over her house. Man if me and heather ever live togather im going to need to get some pads because she beat the shit out of me when she was sleeping. But its ok she dosent rember so i guess she was sleeping pretty good...Saturday i cam back to my moms house then me and bob went to the Gun Show. They had a nice 22 i wanted to get but i couldent because im not sure about the limo yet for prom. But its ok heather would have killed me if i bought a gun probly...Sunday we went back to the gun show and bob ended up byeing a gun. A lil later im going over heather house for dinner and to hang out for a while....Cant waite for prom to get here less then 2 weeks! so excited.

well that all for now.
i love you so much heather

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