☑ Index, kupo!

Nov 10, 2020 13:51

Gosh! It’s been busy at Hogwarts lately! To make things easier for you, Headmaster Cid asked me to make up a few helpful announcements. Here is a list, so that you can find your way around easily! This list is charmed to stay right at the top, and I will update it whenever I drum up something new.

☑ One, kupo! Wiki Information
☑ Two, kupo! Welcome Moogles
☑ Three, kupo! Crack Community
☑ Four, kupo! Family Name Selection
☑ Five, kupo! Random Circumstance and Meme Suggestion

We have more entries and posts on the way, but if there is anything you can think of that you’d like to see, leave a suggestion! Hopefully it will be on the way all ready, but with all the things going on around here, you never know!


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