☑ Three, Kupo! Crack Community Rules

Oct 07, 2009 00:11

I know, I know - organisation, in a crack comm? Madness! However, kupo, there is a method to the madness. Here are a few guidelines for the comm. This entry may be updated in future, so check back!


As with everywhere else in squarewarts, the crack comm is a place for us to have fun, enjoy each others company and share our idiocy wacky ideas. Being the crack comm, almost anything can happen here! It is not game canon. However, we do ask that you remember that even if we are joking around, to treat your fellow players and moderators with respect. If you have any concerns, questions or suggestions for the crack comm, please direct them to the mods at squarewarts@gmail.com.

Getting Started

First of all, when posting in the Crack Community (which is squarewartcrack, if you do not have it friended yet) please use one of the following tags. This way if anyone goes looking for that cracky gem you posted, they'll be able to find it! They are all pretty self explanatory.

☛ art
☛ chat log
☛ fanfic
☛ log
☛ meme
☛ music
☛ pictures
☛ porn
☛ requests
☛ wiki

Concerning Crack Memes

From this point on, all crack memes are to be posted by the moogle journal (this journal, kupo!) only. Memes do not require mod approval, however you will need to submit meme ideas to the moogle for posting. We're just doing this for the sake of making sure memes don't get repetitive and as some sort of quality control, and so that we don't end up with 87766578989 memes all at once.

Feel free to either e-mail the helper moogle with meme ideas, or post them here.

crack community

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