Jul 21, 2006 23:12
Dear San Diego,
We need to talk.
Your weather is awesome...you know that, and I know that. Your beaches are phenominal, and your mountains? Wow. So we both know that you have the whole nature angle working in your favor, but San Diego...what about the other things?
First of all, I am extremely disappointed in your retail shopping experience. How can a major US city, such as yourself, NOT have any Dunkin' Donuts? WHAT DOES AMERICA RUN ON DOWN HERE? I guess it's the salty ocean air, since Lord knows it's close to impossible to get an iced coffee in these parts. And how can you not have a Club Monaco? Where am I supposed to shop? Sears?
Only having 2 Sephora locations in your entire city saddens me, but I could look past all that if you had better traffic. Even though, yes, it's always sunny and warm, it can get so frustrating sitting in traffic for hours each day! And I'm TRYING to be all "chill" and "mellow" about it, but JEEZ...how many freakin Sigalerts (see www.Sigalert.com) do we need a day???
Sitting in your traffic could be...okay, I suppose, if I didn't have to share the road with assholes in SUVs. Seriously. My little Civic is constantly surrounded by "HOO-RAH" Marines in their gigantor SUVs/trucks with I LOVE OUR PREZIDENT stickers all over the place. This is SoCal...I thought everyone was supposed to be communist and stoned and/or surfing all the time. I ask you, WASSAGOINON?
And why was I never informed that San Diego is the Florida of the West Coast? This is a very large retirement community...which is probably why the traffic can get to the level of insanity that it gets to. Traffic makes me want to kill people, especially when people flip ME off for not letting them cut me off. WTF do you think this is? Just cuz your turn signal is on does NOT mean I will automatically let you go in front of me. Don't scream at me cuz YOU didn't know your exit was coming up that quickly. We've only been sitting in 3 mph traffic for 30 minutes, it's not like you didn't see all the signs. Asshole.
San Diego...you need bodegas. And family-owned food establishments. I miss those. Jack in the Box is awesome and all...but I could use some authentic gyros or GOOD pizza from time to time. Know what I mean?
So, I guess that's all I have to say for now. I could actually use a good thunderstorm in the upcoming weeks or so...my car is turning brown because of all the dust. Lightning is fun too. But I'm sure you wouldn't really know, since you are more familar with sunshine. Think about us transplants occasionally.
Oh, and p.s. - please let me get a job.
We will talk again soon.