Close Yet Far ~ Chapter Four

Feb 02, 2012 00:23

Title: Close Yet Far
Author: the_heartless69
Pairing: Vam
Rating: PG-13, for now. Some swearing in this chapter.
Summary: Kinda AU. Ville and Bam have barely known each other for six months, but they are already the best of friends. What could possibly come between them as they explore their relationship and discover brand new feelings and emotions?
Word count: 1270
Disclaimer: Everyone in this fic owns his or herself, and CKY own the title Close Yet Far.
Authors Notes: Two updates in one week! Look at me go! Just so you all know: the boys aren't always going to be drunk of their nuts. I just wanted to have a bit of playful drinking fun in there before getting to the serious shit. If that makes sense. By the way, one of the next 2-3 chapters will be friend-locked (we all know what that means!) so message/add me and I'll add you :) Comments = motivation to write sexier friend-locked chapters.

“Baaaaam, I haven’t been on a skateboard since I was a teenager!” Ville whined as he took a nervous step towards the board.

“C’mon, you’ll be fine. It’s like riding a bike; you never forget how to do it. Just try,” Bam urged grinning as his friend put one foot on the skateboard. Bam had decided that his new mission was to get Ville onto a skateboard, and he resolved to not leave this skate park until he had accomplished it.

Ville sighed. “Fine, but if I fall off and bust my ass, you are going to have to kiss it better.”

“In your dreams, Princess. Now, skate.” Bam grinned and leaned against a light post to watch as his friend pushed off, only to go flying towards a wall.  “Fuck, Ville, stop!” He cried, flinching as Ville collided face first into the wall, skateboard flying out from under his feet, causing him to fall straight onto his bottom.

“Ugh, I knew this was a bad idea,” Ville moaned as he curled up on the cold, cement ground and tentatively poked at his nose, wincing at the touch.

“Fuck, that’s gonna bruise,” Bam frowned. He kneeled next to his friend and swatted Ville’s hand away from his face, gripping his chin and turning his face to inspect his nose. “It doesn’t look broken or anything. Wanna go home and put some ice on it?”

Ville shook his head quickly, pulling a face. “No, I think a cold beer will do,” he smirked.

Bam chuckled, taking the hint. “Sounds good. Come on.”

“I think I might just sit here for a while and try to regain the feeling in the lower half of my body, thank you,” he scowled. “You go on without me.”

“No way, you’re coming with me.” Bam stood and grabbed Ville’s hand, pulling him to his feet slowly as the Finn groaned in pain.

“Fuck, Bammie, I’m too old for this shit.”

“What shit?”

“Skateboarding!” he screeched. He pulled a cigarette from his pack, lit it and inhaled deeply before passing it to Bam.

“Dude, you’re like, twenty-four. That’s not old.” Bam contradicted him, guiding him towards the car.


“This is nice, Bam.” Ville smiled wistfully and tilted his head back further to gaze at the cloudless sky. He and Bam had spent most of the evening since returning to the house trying to avoid Novak at all costs. When they had arrived back at Bam’s after a stop at a liquor store, they had been greeted by a naked Novak, who was one hundred percent convinced that he was a vampire, leaping onto Ville’s back and trying to eat his neck. Not wanting to find out what exactly Novak had smoked or swallowed since they had been gone, they disappeared as quickly as possible, seeking refuge amongst the trees behind Bam’s house. With beer, of course.

“Yeah,” Bam agreed, opening another beer and taking a large gulp. He rested his head against Ville’s shoulder and sighed.

“Are you okay?” Ville asked as he reached a hand around Bam’s shoulder to fiddle with his hair.

“I’m great,” he smiled. “Are you okay?” Bam asked, closing his eyes and turning his head to allow Ville easier access to his hair.

Ville sighed. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

Bam’s forehead creased and he sat up straight, turning to face his friend. “Dude, what’s wrong?” he asked, noticing the shimmering glaze of tears over Ville’s emerald eyes.

“I don’t want to leave,” he whimpered, burying his face in Bam’s neck. He gnawed at his bottom lip and squeezed his eyes closed tightly to prevent the tears from falling.

“Hey, what are you talking about? You’re still gonna be here for another three weeks or something. Why are you even thinking about this leaving shit?” Bam said, rubbing soothing circles against Ville’s back.

“I can’t help it,” Ville sniffed, pulling away from his friend and nibbling at his thumb nail. “I can’t help but dread the moment I leave here, because that will be the moment that I have to face reality. I can’t live in this Neverland of yours forever, Bam. Sooner or later, I will have to go back home. Back to Jonna, back to the beer stained nights spent alone in my apartment with only my guitars to keep me company, back to the constant solitude... It’s so nice to have a break, but I can’t stop thinking about the fact that, no matter how long I stay here, as soon as I go back home everything I left behind will be waiting for me, just as I left it.” Ville took a deep breath and stared at his shoes, grimacing as he realised that he had definitely said too much.

“Fuck,” Bam muttered, his eyes wide and staring at his friend. “Fuck, you never told me you were so unhappy.”

Ville chuckled humourlessly. “It’s not really polite conversation now, is it? ‘Yo dude I’ve barely known for six months, I’m a miserable, pathetic wannabe poet who is completely unsatisfied with his home life. Listen to my tales of woe and make me feel better,’” He mocked. “You would’ve run away screaming.”

Bam thought for a minute before he shook his head and stared at Ville. “You’re wrong.” He stated.

“About what?”

“I wouldn’t run away screaming. Nothing you could ever say would turn me away.”

“I doubt that. Every word I’ve said tonight is scaring you away more.” Ville mumbled, picking at the sleeve of his coat.

Bam growled under his breath, causing the Finn to glance up at him, their eyes locking, Bam’s gaze unfaltering.  “You could never scare me away.” he nodded to prove his point before reaching for his beer and taking a long drag from the bottle. Ville sighed before doing the same, finishing his beer quickly.

“I don’t know about you, Bam-Bam, but I’ve had enough of this conversation. What time is it?” Ville asked, yawning.

Bam glanced at his watch. “It’s almost three-thirty. You look about ready to pass out.” He chuckled.

“Mmm, I am.” Ville agreed as he stood, one hand gripping the tree trunk for support, and he started to make his way towards the house, quickly followed by Bam.

Bam accompanied Ville to the guest bedroom where he ensured Ville was comfortable in bed before he turned to walk out the door, pausing to look back at his friend. “Just so you know, man, any time you need to escape reality or whatever, you can always come here.” He said, before glancing down at his shoes. “You don’t ever have to leave if you want,” he muttered before he turned to close the door and go to his own room.

“Don’ go ‘way,” Ville mumbled sleepily.

Immediately Bam turned and switched of the light, closing the door behind him and ran straight to the bed, curling up on his side under the covers next to Ville, who moved as close to Bam as he could without crawling on top of him.

“Thankyou,” Ville slurred. He reached out blindly with his fingers, seeking Bam’s lips. Finding them, he traced his thumb over his bottom lip before his eyes fluttered shut and he leaned towards Bam, resting his lips against the skaters for a brief moment, the soft touch sending electric shivers down each mans spine. He pulled away, smiling in his drunken haze, and rolled over, pulling at Bam’s arm and draping it around his waist.

“Good night, Bam.”

Bam blinked rapidly, his skin tingling from the feeling of Ville’s lips against his own, his mouth slightly agape.

Oh, God.

Previous Chapters:

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three

vam, ville valo, bam margera

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