Back in 1988, Equinox (Channel 4's documentary-of-the-week programme, approximately equivalent to the BBC's Horizon) did a programme about the electric guitar. The other day I found a clip from it on youtube in which Jerry Donahue talks about and then demonstrates his technique of simultaneous multiple stringbends. I've already pimped it at a couple of people on #afp, and I thought I'd put it up here too.
Finger pickin' goodness. I pimped it at the guitarist from the Briefcase Blues Bros., who cheerfully described it as being "just as demoralising 20 years later!". It turns out that not only did he remember it, he still has the original broadcast on video. I wouldn't mind having a copy again and I know I'm not the only one, so does anyone have a setup whereby they can copy old videos to DVD?
And following its recent appearance in Hot Fuzz, Sgt. Rock (Is Going To Help Me) also turned up in the soundtrack to last night's Ashes To Ashes. Good to see XTC getting more mainstream exposure again! And Killing Joke were in there too. *glee*