The tooth is gone. The jaw is aching somewhat and I'm being careful to chew only on the other side of my mouth as far as possible, but the abcess is history, and it should all heal up nicely.
So anyway, here's a few links. Firstly, with thanks to Rosemary, youtube presents the rather more tongue-in-cheek than you might've thought Muse were capable of video for
Knights of Cydonia.
Secondly, the news that an outsider is going to be running for Governor of Texas; none other than
Kinky Friedman. Yep, the man who gave us songs like "They ain't makin' jews like Jesus anymore" and "Proud to be an Asshole from El Paso" is looking to run the Lone Star state. Here's wishing him every success.
And finally, Eric Schwartz lambasts George Dubya Bush in his hard-hitting, incisive protest song,
Clinton Got A Blowjob. Enjoy, and tell your friends!