Apr 18, 2010 18:11
The man in scarlet tilted his head. He never expected to be flatly asked by one of his Covenant for a quotation regarding his description by others as a traitor to the Circle of the Crone. What would he say if someone called him out for such?
The sheer balls of the inquirer amused him... so he responded.
"Traitor? To whom? The Blinded Queen? My saintly, batshit sire? My line? The Gods? Which gods? The Circle? Which Circle? I am exactly as I have made myself. I tred the lonely roads of the Path that even my fellow di Milan fear to walk. I wield the ancient ways of Veneficia with my right hand, and the bloody arts of Cruac with my left. The Coils of the Impaler-Prince gird my soul. I call. Power itself answers, sorceries and auguries spilling forth like blood upon the sands of your spite, working just as well for me as they do for you. Who are you to question that? Traitor. Heretic. Crone. Label me, if it justifies your hatred. I remain the Harvester, and I will remain when you are long-scattered ash."
There. Let her publish that, should she dare.