Back to Verse the First

Sep 06, 2005 20:27

I'm back on the Andromeda for the foreseeable future. There was another kidnapping attempt made on me, and this time other people got hurt too. Nobody I knew personally, but it was getting ridiculous. My defenses are for obvious enemies, not for people hiding amongst legitimate visitors. They were gonna put me in a cold case and carry me out. (That rat bastard Gerentex smuggled mercenaries on board the Andromeda back when using the same method.)

The Commonwealth, terrified that all my knowledge could end up in the wrong hands, came back in and made demands. Since I don't want anybody else getting hurt and walking around Earth with bodyguards would kill me, I told Brendan privately that I felt like I had to go but he should bargain the hell out of the Commonwealth before letting me go. For letting me go into protective custody on the Andromeda, Earth got its own bit o' Commonwealth fleet for defense, more arms, and more engineers. Kemp is one of the engineers! He and some of the other Bellerophon folks got a way here. I'm glad they got to see the new pretty Earth instead of the hellhole it had become.

Sienna is taking over my spot as the official cynic on Boston's government, a position she can fill easily and ably.

So. Back on the Andromeda. Everybody's swinging between happy to have me back and wanting to kick my ass for being gone so long. The new Chief Engineer is fit to be tied but might calm down once he realizes that I don't give a damn about titles. Hell, I'm back because I drew too much attention.

I'm gonna miss Earth, but it's not like the Andromeda Ascendant is a terrible place to be in exile from it.

kidnapping, new earth

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