Oct 09, 2005 15:03
everyone has amistake they dont want to talk about so they just blow it off and dont bring it up ever again. well i dont like doing that when certain stuff comes out. when the parents are away the children will always play. some ppl came over last night and one of them has a thing for me and kinda moved in for the kill but she didnt cross the line but im just suprisingly not all woohoo about it. i hate how insecure i am and when things like that happen i hate myself for it when some ppl would say i should enjoy that sort of thing. there was no kissing on my part and the farthest the mutuality went was cuddling... she said i couldnt kiss her(even though thats perfectly fine for me). idk what it is about my mind but when im dishonest and unloyal i feel worse than anything. is there something wrong with that?? i just dont like being insecure. it makes me feel like im betraying someone i love in a way that cant be forgiven... again, is there something wrong with that?? i kno i may be angering someone by putting this out here but i just cant say it the way i know i should...
i hate being unloyal