[ooc] This is a heads-up.

Jun 01, 2009 06:42

THIS IS A NOT!HIATUS which will eventually be upgraded to become a hiatus. Just as a heads up I will be thread-droppy as hell but I really do not wish for RP to be a source of stress for me! I WILL RP AS I DAMN WELL FEEL LIKE IT. ... which means it will still happen. For whoever who is the unfortunate soul whom I jump/ decides to jump me, I will be flake-y and horrible. Not that I haven't been in recent times IT IS NOT THAT I DISLIKE YOU IF I TAKE FOREVER TO REPLY/DON'T AT ALL. I am just weak. Whoo! \o/

I play Toph Merryweather Larsa Ramza.

this is the way, i got a bad feeling!

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