"Fuck you, it's not your birthday, so do what I say, ok..."

Nov 27, 2006 18:01

Some resolution to my earlier entry regarding my ankle injury: it's not broken. This should, of course, come as no surprise to the three people who read these but I still felt it necessary to update the status of it. It's getting better but it still hurts a lot of the time. It continually aches, almost certainly as a result of my walking on it before I should have. The crutches are mostly just a pain in the ass so I generally choose to go without them. My calf is killing me now, which is probably because of the jackassed limp/hobble method I use to get around. It looks as cool as it sounds.

Also, today's my birthday...and I don't really care. Birthdays have ceased meaning a whole lot. It's been a slow fade over the last several years, helped along by being on my own, away from my family. This being my twenty-first, it's supposed to be some sort of milestone but it mostly just all seems irrelevant. Mike celebrated his 21st a few weeks back and did it the way it's supposed to be done, big group of people buying him drinks and all that. Makes me wonder what the hell my problem is that drinking just doesn't sound very enjoyable 90% of the time. I don't know.

At any rate, happy birthday to me and Jimi Hendrix and Bruce Lee...I may not care much about my birthday but I'm pretty proud that I get to share it with two of the coolest mofos of all time.
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