Ya know...
Buttfacemakani had a pretty cool idea on her last post. And since I'm so frickin' broke from paying off my dermotologist bills, I thought it'd be a neat idea for anyone who would want art from me for an LJ paid subscription. (Egads...I realized I have 2 weeks left...hahahahah) Anyhoo.....would anyone be interested? I have to figure out what kind of art
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The new Miyavizm CD itself! XDDD
It's just been taking me some time zipping everything together since I'm stupid and don't organize my music by singer, but by date I downloaded it *facepalm*
I'm just a mix of everything. Whatever I find, I grab. 8B But you can say I'm more of a Gackt fan. Hot shtuff........yummynummy.
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