A recap.

Apr 24, 2013 19:42

For the many of you who have more of a life than I do and cannot be bothered to play the home game, here are the headlines from the last year.
  1. I outlived my father (Spring/Summer 2012).
  2. I got a Master's Degree. Seriously, they just sent it to me in the post. It has a stamp and a seal and everything (Summer 2012).
  3. I changed job roles and locations but am still working for the Fruit Stand (August-September 2012).
  4. filceolaire was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma (October-November 2012). He continues to do the chemotherapy thing.
  5. I was put on the year waiting list for a big surgery on the NHS, which we might discuss later (December 2012).
  6. I was announced as GOH for http://www.gafilk.org. They stuck a little harp on the logo and stuff (January 2013).
  7. My son turned 21 (March 2013).
So that's it in a nutshell. Hello, world.
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