After a life in a rock bowl this reminds me of home

Sep 17, 2007 17:26

The Title somewhat speaks for itself as my new living quarters are like in living on a terrace in te middle of a mountain range. SFU is a huge change for me in the positive column and in the same way a little homey for me.

Oh yeah if you didnt know i am at SFU studying Sociology and Anthropology. Hurray for me

Anywho it is a giant fortress of cement and steel and if you havent been here i highly suggest to come see it. And even if that kind of stuff makes you depressed or you dont like the aesthetics of it you should still come see it and marvel at what the hell humans can build with rock, it is phenomenal! My room is ok or being a might old and dingy but hey i am cool with that, and the floor i live on has its loud and quiet moments. I have all the essentials here and emma is just in the other section so everything is groovy. Everyone who i have come up to hates this school in someway or another but i feel quite happy here for the time being, almost like home with out any trees and a hell of a lot more people to watch.

As of today they started filming a new canadian show called J-Pod and i must say the thought of it being here and all the excitement around the whole thing is rather...PISSING ME OFF! They are blocking off hallways and well used paths and if they are shooting in a very acoustically sheltered corridor they ask that everyone within fifty feet of the scene to be quiet until it is over and if you are on an elevator that goes directly to where the scene is you must stay in the elevator until they are done, you could be there for god knows how long while they take there sweet time. It is ridiculous how they want a busy functional school to cease everyday regular routine so they can create another made for TV crap show that wont even make it past season two it is fucking insane.

Anywho i am off for now to finish homework and i hope to be posting more often than not on this thing but seeing as i am such a great updater in this i doubt that will happen.

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