vengence gives me wings

Dec 10, 2006 02:04

senior night.. never before have i felt so sad and yet so excited al at once. i have the following people (in no particular order) to thank for this:

all the seniors in godspell
cast and crew who ain't seniors
chris ronning
katie v (CHICAGO!)
courtney ("SMOKEY!!!")
kayla and all the others lol
matt parent for being a funny SOB
mr birt for threatening to (but not actually) kill me
colleen's mom for loving us no matter how much we suck
sara for being an awesome friend
nessa for being my little sister
jess, that crazy cousin of mine
AMANDA who i have not seen in forever and love to death

and most especially my one and only. she may not be able to read this, but... heh, who cares. i love her, simple enough.

so, to everybody, i give this:
"Here's to the women we've met, and to the women we've fucked,
And to those amongst us who've had no such luck.
Here's to beer in the glass, and vodka in the cup,
Here's to pokin' her in the ass, so she won't get knocked up.
Here's to all of you, and here's to me,
together as friends we'll always be,
but if we should ever disagree,

the greatenss of Tucker Max is indispuitable. yepp. night all
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