Just recently finished on Kindle:
- Simon Winchester's biography of Joseph Needham, "The Man Who Loved China"
- Isaac Marion's "Warm Bodies" , the novel on which the movie starring Nicholas Hoult and Teresa Palmer is based
- Chuck Wendig's "Blackbird"
- Susan Ee's "Angelfall", which is also getting the film treatment by non other than Sam Raimi
-J. J. Clarke's "The Tao of the West"
If you're a movie or YA fantasy fan, I especially recommend "Warm Bodies" and "Angelfall".
Next looking forward to Saladin Ahmed's "Throne of the Crescent Moon", David Hinton's "Hunger Mountain", and a couple of Francois Jullien books that I ordered on Amazon (and which are on route to my Shanghai address as I write).
I saw Life of Pi and Back to 1942 (an account of the 1942 famine in Hunnan Province, which had the misfortune of cooinciding with the Japanese invasion of China, and therefore resulted in the deaths of around 1 million civilians) at the cinema with colleagues last week - the first I recommend, the second I'd advise to avoid unless you happen to enjoy misery porn and inappropriate black humour.
On TV, I'm counting the days before the January premieres of Shameless and Spartacus, and hoping that The Hour S2 finale doesn't make me want to throw my computer at a window and burst into tears.
Christmas Shopping
...aka, what's been occupying my spare time this week. I've got most of the important gifts sorted - thank god for online shopping and international shipping! - beautiful button-up pyjamas from Suno NY, perfumes from Ormonde Jayne, journal and magazine subscriptions, food hampers, scarves and squirrel-hair makeup brushes, sweaters and DVDs. In case it's not already apparently, I really love buying presents. Such a shame that I'll be spending Christmas in Kunming, where nobody actually celebrates the holiday...
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