Feelingz in ma fic.

Feb 20, 2012 07:45

This remark from
hradzka made me grin today:
I have a lot of least favorite kind of stories, but one of them is the story in which characters have issues that are caused/summed up by the fact that they are not fucking, and then there is a lot of YEARNING and FEELINGS, and then there is fucking and everyone is happy. Too often, the answer to the question, "why didn't they just get to the fucking earlier?" is "because then we couldn't have the YEARNING and FEELINGS."

Because...GOD YES. I cannot tell you how formulaic and predictable it is for me to read stories that follow that pattern, given that my reaction to sex is usually "And...? Why is this interesting? What - if anything - does it change?", it kind of takes all the narrative momentum out of the equation, because all through the story, I can sense the building towards the fucking which is supposed to be epic and life-changing, and which I couldn't care less about. If the destination is not my cup of tea, than the journey had better be worth the trip, is all.

Far more interesting, to me, are the stories where they get the sex dealt with and out of the way in the first quarter, so that the rest can be about the implications and complications of that, plus (hopefully) other things and other characters completely uninvolved in the fucking. Give me some more of that.

This entry was originally posted at http://the-grynne.dreamwidth.org/969439.html and has

asexuality, meta, fandom, writing

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