So, I've just seen Skins 6.01.
Franky: Do we have to do this?
Matty: It's us. We're great together.
Franky: Is this what it's like, being with someone?
Matty: You loved it! Tunisia, the beach, making love to me.
Franky: It gets boring, Matty. All the fucking, and the talking, and just...all the stuff, okay.
Matty: That's not fair.
Franky: What's fair got to do with it?
I continue to relate to Franky so much, and I'm so grateful to the show for that, and for its refusal to make her an easily likeable character.
And all those people who hate this "new" Franky - the Franky who wears bikinis and flirty dresses, who slept with Matty (and now kinda doesn't want to any more*), who took off in a convertible with a sketchy, creepy guy because he offered her excitement and danger - well, they'd probably hate me too, because. Hey, been there.
Oh, by the way, these two?
Grace: Rich?
Rich: My love?
Grace: As long as you are here, you may as well know, I have had a number of orgasms today and right now I am completely happy. [They kiss]
FAVOURITES. Please get well soon, Silly Bitch.
*I'm seeing Franky's behaviour being described by some people on Tumblr as "intimacy issues", which plainly illustrates to me why it is so difficult to talk about asexuality when the language we do it in is so stacked up against it. When "desire" and "intimacy" carry such a strong positive cultural bias, how can the lack of desire and intimacy seem anything but aberrant and confused?
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