Hailee Steingfeld (True Grit) is in talks for the role of Petra Arkanian in Ender's Game, which will star Asa Butterfield as Ender. Meanwhile director Gavin Hood is seeking Harrison Ford to play Col. Graff. (
The Playlist)
Felicity Jones (Northanger Abbey, Like Crazy) will portray Nelly Ternan, a child actress and Charles Dicken's long-time mistress, in The Invisible Woman, directed by Ralph Fiennes. (
The Playlist)
Christopher Meloni (Oz, Law & Order: SVU) is reportedly been courted to play a incredibly powerful vampire in the fifth season of True Blood. (
Teaser promos for the TV sequel to The Firm, starring Josh Lucas, Molly Parker, Tricia Helfer and Juliette Lewis.
Watch the Bruce McDonald directed
music video for "Brutal Hearts" by Bedouin Soundclash ft. Coeur De Pirate.
calculare and I saw a film in a test screening this week which we are not allowed to talk about, and so I shalln't. The pancakes afterwards, though, were yummy.
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