The Vampire Diaries 2x21.

May 06, 2011 20:21

DAMMIT DAVID ANDERS! Why do you always have to die??!!

It's no easy task being an ordinary parent to an extraordinary child. I failed in that task and because of my prejudice I failed you. I'm haunted by how things might have worked out differently if I'd been more willing to hear your side of things. For me, it's the end. For you, a chance to grow old and some day do better with your own child than I did with mine. It's for that child that I give you my ring.

I don't ask for your forgiveness or for you to forget. I ask only that you believe this. Whether you are reading this as a human or as a vampire I love you all the same, as I've always loved you and always will.


I've been anticipating that John Gilbert would sacrifice himself for Elena, ever since the episode in which Isobel committed suicide; John's motivations were no longer ambiguous (although that didn't make him any more liked), and there wasn't any where left for him to go plot-wise expect the way of redemption. It wasn't much of a twist, that the spell required a life for a life. But that didn't lessen the impact, thanks to the great performances all round, a simple but very moving letter, and one perfectly chosen song.

I can't even bring myself to be angry, much as I would have loved a few episodes of Jenna and John being the decidedly non-supernatural substitute parents for a bunch of extraordinary teenagers. John received a death that was befitting the character, and perhaps a kinder one than he deserved. In the end, he won himself a place in his daughter's heart, which is something Sheriff Forbes should maybe start thinking about with regards to the daughter she's been lying to and spying on... I can't hold against John the things he's done; after all, we've all forgiven Damon for a lot worse.

On a less weepy note: HOW BADASS WAS BONNIE?

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[tv] the vampire diaries

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