
Jul 11, 2010 10:12

One of my favourite clothing boutiques in Shanghai, PAMPA on Jianguo Lu which sold women's fashion designed in Argentina, has either closed down or relocated to Lord knows where. Their clothing was colourful, youthful, modern, light-weight, comfortable - and importantly, very reasonably priced.

It's a more difficult set of criteria to fill than you might think. I've been to all kinds of boutiques in the "trendy" areas of Luwan District (in the former French Concession), where all I find is unwearable (for me, anyway) clothes in nylon and polyester, often with false designer labels stitched onto them. Heaven for some fashionistas, maybe, but I'm allergic to synthetics.

Which is why NuoMi ("Brown Rice") is my saviour, sartorially speaking, in the drenching Shanghai summer. I discovered their store on Taikang Lu yesterday, and I think I'm going live in their silk shirts and bamboo/cotton tee's for the next two months.

Oh, and that vintage Oscar de la Renta abstract floral silk coat? Totally mine now.

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shopping, clothes, shanghai

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