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the_grynne November 8 2008, 07:23:48 UTC


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the_grynne November 8 2008, 07:29:32 UTC
I respect SM a whole bunch, for not shying away from the creepiness of Twilight magnitudes (cf. that look he wears in the bathtub when he decides to Kill Bartlett). But it doesn't make me want Bill as a bf.


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the_grynne November 8 2008, 07:25:17 UTC
Dexter would totally win that fight. Cos he's so much better at pretending than Bill is.


alethialia November 8 2008, 07:38:40 UTC

So, the same person who does the hilarious/disturbing Twilight-blatant-misogyny recaps is doing TB recaps...and she likes Bill/Sookie. (And has never once mentioned the blatant stereotypes in the show, but that's another issue entirely.) And I want to be like, "No! Do you not see the creepy and wrong?! IT'S CREEPY! AND WRONG!"

She thinks Alexander has a pretty mouth, though, so that makes up for much.


the_grynne November 8 2008, 07:42:04 UTC
Yes, I've been reading them, for the lolz.

Jacob at TWoP, meanwhile, wins for this:

And Pam -- here's what she's wearing by the way, an adorable trenchcoat and sunglasses on her head, which are like the only thing a vampire absolutely will never ever need, because it's Halloween every day because she is the very greatest of all vampires -- giggles, just completely tickled by Eric as always. Bill asks her how she likes it up Eric's ass, and she's like, "It is so awesome up Eric's ass! In fact, I say give it a shot. Ya douchebag!" Bill's like, "Well, now that Malcolm's dead I'll consider it, but not until Sookie dumps me for being a paternalistic creep. Meantime, can we go visit her before the horrible thing that's going to happen?" Pam's like, "Awesome, we can check out the total tragedy that is Merlotte's Bar & Grill," and Eric totally goes, "Yes indeedy!"


alethialia November 8 2008, 21:08:23 UTC
Look! Look! It's NOT JUST US! Other people see it, TOO! ::dies of the happy::


dakinigrl November 8 2008, 18:54:43 UTC
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..... oh man, that's choice.


the_grynne November 8 2008, 22:45:39 UTC
That shirt of Bill's had been bugging for weeks, and I couldn't work out why until recently. It's the shirt that says: Do Not Trust!


dakinigrl November 8 2008, 22:51:05 UTC
is that icon from the film "Open Range" by any chance?


the_grynne November 8 2008, 22:57:11 UTC
No, it's from The Proposition.


fatema December 19 2008, 23:20:16 UTC
Haha. So, I just watched all of True Blood (and omgsquee it is awesome!). While watching, I totally noticed the shirt (how can you not? It's such a Dexter trademark in my opinion). And then I remembered your post about this and had to look at it again. Oh, man. Kinda funny, but both of them look good i n their well-meaning serial killer outfits. :)


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