TV is out to get me.

Oct 14, 2008 17:24

First this. And now:

A Villain Is Going Six Feet Under! And the real crime? Poor fella just got out of there...Yes, a villain that you and I both love is going down next week, and once he's gone, he's not coming back. Sadness. (E!Online)

Noooooo! Not Adam!


ETA: Heroes has this habit (and maybe I just don't read enough comics, but I'm sick of it). It sets up these "Big Bads", each supposedly more frightening and powerful than the one before, and then. It doesn't know what to do with them. So you have Sylar on his "disappears into South America" phase followed by his "redemption" arc. And you have Adam - 400 year old immortal, founder of the Company, source of fear in hard-as-nails Angela Petrelli's heart - reduced to what? His scene with Hiro and Ando was played completely for laughs.

Also: Arthur Petrelli's line to Angela, "You can see the future. I can't have that." TOTALLY saw ( and wrote) that.

[tv] heroes, adam monroe

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