True Blood: "Cold Ground"

Oct 14, 2008 10:59

The pie-eating scene was definitely one of the episode's highlights. And since this is a show about vampirism, I don't think it's too far-fetched to look at it as something like ritualistic cannibalism - Sookie is taking into herself what little she has left of her grandmother. Among the Fore of New Guinea, mortuary cannibalism (eating the remains of deceased relatives) was part of funeral rites as a token of respect, and many other cultures believed the dead person's qualities could be absorbed by eating their flesh. (Am I being too weird? This is what happens when you take Anthropology.)

Tina the cat has a little of Adele in her, when she licked up her blood. Sookie has done something similar. When she put on that old-fashioned nightgown (more like something Adele would have worn, when she was young and secretly having sex with a fairy?), and went out to meet Bill, she was channeling some of her grandmother's fearlessness and strength.

(Initially posted at the TWoP boards.)

meta, [tv] true blood

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