Drabble: (In Case of Emergency) Break (Heroes; Adam/Elle/Peter)

Aug 23, 2008 10:30

Set during "Four Months Ago". Preceded by Love (And Other Catastrophes).

Adam, Elle and Peter. G. Elle has a new toy; Adam has perfected the art of holding on while letting go.

So much of adolescence is an ill-defined dying,
An intolerable waiting,
A longing for another place and time,
Another condition.
- Theodore Roethke, 'I'm Here'

(In Case of Emergency) Break

You go by this door with a spring in your step, like a girl jumping puddles, and behind the long hair, tiny stars in your ears blink with pleasure.

What do I think, princess? There was a time you used to care what I thought.

When you were little, you could wind me up like clockwork. I spun stories, fairy tales and high-sea yarns, performed conjuring tricks for a drop of your laughter. It made the waiting tolerable. Kept the rust at bay.

Can our friend make you laugh, my dove? You deserve as much. Does he intrigue?

All I have to offer are histories, dust, memories of freedom; perhaps he can give you life.

23 August 2008

my fic, fic-heroes, adam monroe

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