Trailer for the ensemble drama Winged Creatures, about a group of strangers who form a unique relationship with each other after surviving a random shooting at a Los Angeles diner. Directed by Rowan Woods (Little Fish), it stars Forest Whitaker, Kate Beckinsale, Guy Pearce, Dakota Fanning, Jackie Earle Haley, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Embeth Davidtz, and Jennifer Hudson. [
Trailer for Appaloosa, a Western starring Ed Harris, Viggo Mortensen, Jeremy Irons, and Renee Zellweger. It's directed by Ed Harris (Pollock). [
Trailer for Gregor Jordan's The Informers, based on Bret Easton Ellis' book of short stories which captures a week in L.A. in 1983, featuring movie executives, rockstars, a vampire and other morally challenged characters in adventures laced with sex, drugs and violence. The cast includes Billy Bob Thornton, Winona Ryder, Kim Basinger, Mickey Rourke, Austin Nichols, Brad Renfro, Jon Foster and Rhys Ifans. [
Helena Bonham Carter reveals that she will play a villain in Terminator: Salvation. [
Joss Stone will join the third season of Showtime's The Tudors playing Anne of Cleves, the fourth wife of Henry VIII (Jonathan Rhys Meyers). (THR)
Video of Ron Moore addressing a screening group about the religion and mythology of Battlestar Galactica. (Galactica Sitrep)
New promo for HBO's new show True Blood. ETA:
Here, I believe, is our first look at Pam, a character those who have read the books will be familiar with, played by Kristin Bauer. And for those looking forward to anything on Eric Northman (Alexander Skarsgard), BloodCopy has these two posts:
"Fangtasia owner Eric spotted" and
"Eric speaks".
What Would Don Draper Do?