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Maja anonymous November 3 2008, 05:05:47 UTC
Henson's work is amazing - his nudes are utterly exquisite. Personally, I think it's horrible the way this has all played out. However, Melissa, I would definitely like to refute your little comment here:

Trust Australians to start burning and lynching without thought. The uncultured brutes.

I very much hope that you were being sarcastic in some form, because it is rather trying, this stereotypical view of Australian's as 'uncultured brutes'. Our political system is flawed, as are all the political systems around the world, yet it wasn't the Australian COMMUNITY who had a problem with Henson's photographs. That was a woman from some 'family first' political group who decided to stick her nose into business that was obviously not related to her at all, and which she clearly had no idea about. It turns out that she had never even seen the photographs when she made her complaint, as I remember it, because when her lawyer was questioned, he admitted to it.

But that's all beside the point. What I'm trying to say is; this stereotyping of Australians really must stop. Every person I know is revolted and horrified by the idea that censorship of Henson's art has gone through, and it seems clear that this same thing has occurred before in different countries - Sally Mann's work being one that springs to mind. Yet, nobody calls the Americans uncultured brutes (for one reason or another) and it begs the question, why?

Australians are just as cultured as the rest of the international community, thank you very much, and I think it would do you all good to remember it. It's hardly our fault that certain political parties have gotten it into their heads that they can mess around with things clearly out of their faction.


so_spiffed November 3 2008, 09:01:02 UTC
We have differing opinions. I believe I am right, you believe you are right. That is all.


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