I find myself warming up to CBS's Moonlight - which I've resigned myself to being addicted to almost despite myself because of Jason Dohring's 400-year-old but 23-at-heart vampire Josef - most especially when the show is taking the piss out of Mick St. John (still think that's a ridiculously pulpish name) rather than trying to make him out to be
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Josef is AMAZING; especially because I'm starting to think that it's not Logan pretending to be a vampire but it was a vampire pretending to be Logan - they angst the SAME WAY over similar things only Josef has the "oh, i'm all alone and ancient and unsure of how to react to all this" epic angst. And also: hilarious chemistry with Mick. A++ on that relationship.
Lola: "Evil's a word that gets tossed around a lot, like 'great', or 'awesome'."
I loooooooooooooved that line for multiple reasons but specifically because it was another one of the gauntlet-throwing lines vs. Jossverse vampires as one can only assume that there are 1 in 500 vampires who really go for big scary evol schemes and none of them are really into the apocalypse. INTERESTING. Now if the show would only explain their full meaning behind "willing freshies". (Although, it is starting to explain itself in how other vampires refer to Mick's relationship with Beth...)
YESYES! I thought of that too last night, that even more than for Logan himself, Josef's "Loganness" is a kind of camouflage, his continuous adaptation to living amongst the food; he's twitchy and juvenile to cover up for the sense of entitlement and command and the I've-seen-things-you-can't-begin-to-imagine sadness that he's susceptible to.
I'm waiting for someone to write Mick/Josef. *nudgenudge*
Moonlight's vampires have the benefit of not really being all that monstrous, and even Mick, who thinks its a curse, still takes a certain joy in what he can do. They don't go all "game face", or collude with demons, or even kill all that many people. Instead, they're just this invisible minority population, paying their taxes, driving their cars, and discretely feeding on our blood. I can see why "freshies" might think it's safe to offer themselves to creatures like that. Josef at least seems to treat them pretty well.
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