defending thomas tallis

May 14, 2007 18:06

"If Thomas Tallis was not a homosexual then why portray him as such?"

I've been reading different versions of this sentiment on various blogs and boards for the last few weeks, and I thought it was time that I came up with an answer to satisfy myself.


Why not? )

[tv] the tudors, meta

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Comments 52

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the_grynne May 14 2007, 11:33:48 UTC
I think it's hard to argue that it wasn't tastefully done even when not compared to the rest of the show.

What's sad is that there are people who would argue that; that simply involving him in a gay relationship (cynically "catering to the homosexuals," as more than one reviewer as said, which, frankly, pissed me off, as if the heteros watch a completely different programming) on its own makes it the most objectionable part of the show. Because Thomas Tallis is supposedly "sacred," and there's no excuse for tarnishing his memory!

Sometimes I feel incredibly sheltered, here in my little LJ bubble. When I venture out, there's so much that makes me angry.


tanwen May 14 2007, 12:56:22 UTC
Cricky people, it's a DRAMA! They get all butt-hurt over fiction! The only issue I have is Tallis's un-combed hair. It looks like shit! :-)


the_grynne May 14 2007, 13:01:07 UTC
:) I've gotten better at shutting my eyes to it, but occasionally I still get the impulse to reach into the screen and drag a wet comb through that mess. It wouldn't stand out so badly if everyone else didn't have such modern and well-groomed hair.


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the_grynne May 14 2007, 14:07:47 UTC
Someone actually pointed out to me that if Hirst had wanted a gay character, why didn't he simply pick George Boleyn, who already has the charge of incest and the rumour of homosexuality attached to him.

And I don't deny that there isn't something a little shifty about Hirst's contrarian, sensationalist tendencies. But on this particular case I'm leaning towards judging him on the basis of the results, rather than his motives, because at this current juncture, Tallis and Compton are the most interesting people in the show, for me. :)


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floweringjudas May 14 2007, 15:52:05 UTC
I think it's funny that making him gay for a tv series is considered a huge blow to Tallis's moral rectitude. Like "gay" is still synonymous with "deviant." YAY, SOCIETY, YAY.

*considers* You know, I'd be willing to offer a Sincere Apology on behalf of the GLBTQ community for somehow damaging Tallis's reputation by making him gay in the TV equivalent of fanfiction - IF Christians would offer a Sincere Apology for having played fast and loose with the characterisations of, oh, Mary Magdalene, the Virgin Mary, the Heavenly Mother, Ruth and Naomi, David and Jonathan, etc; and, y'know, saying THEIR fanfic is CANON for the past two millennia.

I mean, wtf.


the_grynne May 14 2007, 16:00:02 UTC
Like "gay" is still synonymous with "deviant."

It's so bloody impossible to argue with that. How do you get people to first RECOGNISE, then set aside, that normative assumption! UGH!! *frustrated*

I mean, wtf.

Uh, please. There is SO MUCH catch-up to do. :)


the_grynne May 14 2007, 16:08:10 UTC
And Laura? Do I need to add how awesome you are?

Thank you for janking me out of the 'default' position.


floweringjudas May 14 2007, 16:38:08 UTC
;D I do what I can. Because hey, come on, like John the Beloved is anything OTHER than a total Mary Sue. "OMG you guys I TOTALLY met Jesus and we were instant BFFs and he LOVED ME BEST."


kenorland May 14 2007, 16:47:27 UTC
I don't like slash (for the most part) or the sensationalistic gaying up of characters. When I first heard about this Tallis/Compton thing, I thought: whatever, there goes Showtime, trying to titillate again.

But it was well-handled; it was a love story, not just people crazily fucking, like all the other pairings on that show ( ... )


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