guy in the white car

Aug 25, 2006 10:35

In yesterday's philosophy tutorial, our discussion of urban spaces and "socio-technical" material infrastructures wandered obliquely into an amused commentary on the slow food culture spreading out from continental Europe and taking foothold over the developed world.

And Voila! I see today in The Nation: Slow Food Nation.

Kind of related. Paul B. Hertneky at PopMatters: More Than a Mouthful.
"If anyone wonders what happens to sexual appetite as we grow out of our 20s, the answer can be found in the media and the marketplace. As our libido becomes less urgent, we direct our lust and anxiety to another delicious and potentially ruinous obsession: food. Rather than fretting about unwanted pregnancy and crabs, we begin to worry about cholesterol and carbs. Where once we worshipped mutual orgasm, we find ourselves falling to our knees for truffles."

Finally, The Observer asks readers is it possible to eat both healthily and ethically?

environment, ecology, philosophy, culture, food

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