
Jul 10, 2009 17:22

NAME: Starry
JOURNAL: digitalstarry

CHARACTER NAME: Sho Minamimoto
FANDOM: The World Ends With You
CHRONOLOGY: The beginning of the seventh day in the second week


The World Ends With You(TWEWY for short) takes place in modern day Shibuya, a district in Tokyo. The youth culture is prevalent with new ideas and people clashing beliefs every day. However this is merely just the surface of the game's setting. The RG, or Real Ground it is called, looks to be fairly normal it seems.

But under the surface, or rather a different plane, something of a much different and vital concept is taking place. This plane, the UG (Under Ground) is where Reaper's Games are taking place. What is a Reaper's Game? It is where humans that have died in the RG come to play a chance at resurrection. They are called Players. They must outlast the seven days of the Game, with another Player in as a pact. Or face erasure, elimination from the Game. They are given daily missions that range from reaching certain areas to defeating a specific noise. Noises are monsters that manifest from the RG human’s negative emotions or summoned by Reapers. They are scattered around Shibuya and often gather when a RG human is experiencing a high level of stress or emotion.

However, the noise can be easily defeated through the use of pins that the players may purchase in special shops or find on their own. With the pins, they can unleash attacks such as fire, lightning bolts, and even heal themselves. As a default, they are given a pin that allows them to probe into the thoughts of RG inhabitants. People in the RG cannot detect players unless they enter an area with a Reaper's symbol or through the use of a Reaper Creeper (basically an Ouji board).

Supervising the Game is the Reaper's themselves. They are distinguishable by their black wings in the UG, however they appear as normal humans in the RG. Each of them is assigned roles in Game from guarding invisible walls to the Game Master himself. But it depends on the rank they assume. From Support to Harriers to officers, they have classes based on the amount of points they earn. Some Reapers very rarely may ascend to Angels, the top class of beings or the Composer, the “god” of a certain area. The Game Master changes every week, swapping in and out officer reapers. The Game Master is in charge of the Game and hands out missions to Players. On the final day, the Players must defeat the Game Master.

And this is where Sho comes in. He is a top ranking Reaper officer and the youngest in history at the mere age of eighteen. But he also receives top secret information from a Fallen Angel, that information being the Composer’s RG identity and how to summon Taboo noise (an illegal form of noise that attacks Reapers and Players) through refinery sigils. He tried killing the Composer in the RG with a gun two weeks earlier, but his attempt proven unsuccessful and he fled back into the UG. He is the appointed Game Master for the second week in TWEWY. For the first two days, everything runs smoothly for the most part and Sho issuing out missions and stalking Neku and Joshua, a player pact with Joshua being the Composer’s hidden identity and Neku being the proxy chosen by Joshua. However, he’d rather focus on his own personal goals. Not long afterwards, he goes AWOL on GM duties and conjures up Taboo noise around Shibuya. Near the end of the week he retreats to Pork City to prepare his second attempt at defeating the Composer, when he is pulled into the City.


Sho is powerful, arguably the most powerful officer class Reaper in Shibuya. And he knows it. This adds fuel to his ego. Not only that, but he is very intelligent, knowing how to make Games interesting and heat them up. His player erasure rate is impeccable and only falling short of the Conductor himself. He is the best at his job, earning high numbers in nearly every section.

But with these massive advantages comes massive flaws. One of those already mentioned is his ego. His arrogance, making him believe that he is more powerful then anybody, even god. I could honestly not care about anyone and doesn’t have any friends because of his attitude. He can’t work with anyone and his cooperation levels are rock bottom. He doesn’t care for anyone or anything for that matter, but himself and his unattainable goals.

One of these “goals” is to become god, which is more or less the Composer. To reach this, he must defeat the current Composer, who is Joshua. And he will do anything to accomplish it, even putting the entire UG Shibuya population at risk and killing several players and Reapers with Taboo Noise. He tried actually, to kill Joshua before in the RG, but he was blinded by his power hungry emotions to forget that Joshua still held some of his power in the living world, while Sho himself was powerless.

Obviously, he doesn’t play by the rules, breaking them for his own benefit. This was made clear in the week he became Game Master. He didn’t issue missions after the first two days and never reported for meetings. Rather, he was making deals with a Fallen Angel to figure out how to summon Taboo noise and to build up his own power so he could take down the Composer. He firmly believes all past rules and values are “garbage” to him, sealing his rebellious attitude.

Whenever he isn’t coveting a higher position, he’s usually building trash heaps in random places around Shibuya. He claims that his trash heaps are “art” and the only form of art that can be perfectly calculated. Often, he steals items from random places that he likes, such as a microphone with bat wings. Sometimes, he sits upon the giant piles of trash with a megaphone in hand. He will use his megaphone to shout random phases of his to onlookers. Despite the fact that most are weirded out by it, he couldn’t care less. He may also leave behind messages on the trash heaps, and each one of them is a declaration of how powerful he is.

Even though he wants the job of Composer, he will only be satisfied if he is the one to eliminate Joshua himself, not any outside forces. This is why he keeps a close eye on Joshua and his partner Neku while he was the Game Master, so that Joshua could be alive by the end of the week. But because he thinks he’s better then the both of them, he takes free potshots at them every chance he gets.

He has a special obsession with math. Not only is he damn good at any sort of math related problem, but also it’s the center of his world. He believes that the world is composed of numbers and solutions. He also cannot help but throw in math terms or puns in everyday conversation. Perhaps his most infamous one is the usage of “zetta” as an adverb/adjective.

CLASS: Anti-Hero


ALTER EGO: Sho Minamimoto, the Game Master of Shibuya

POWER: Being a Reaper, Sho has a handful of abilities he has at his disposal.

→ Teleportation.

→ Creating noise, both regular forms of noise and Taboo noise.

→ Energy attacks. Sho can perform moderately powerful types of energy attacks such as blasts and waves of energy.

→ Transformation into his own noise form, Leo Cantus. This form resembles a large black and white bipedal lion with red eyes, and horns. Its powers are faster movement and powerful melee attacks with its feet.

→ Levitation.

→ Creation of invisible walls and can break them just as easily with keys or just pure power.

→ Able to alter his frequency between the RG and UG planes seamlessly.

→ A very mild form of telepathy that allows him to read the surface thoughts of the people on the RG.

However, these powers are only applicable in the UG. In the RG, he is powerless and cannot use his Reaper powers. Therefore, without modification, Sho would be just a normal human arriving in the City, since no UG plane exists.

But he will be receiving a few powers. For the sake of simplicity, I will give him the same powers as the previous Sho had. Which is…

→ Short ranged but fast teleportation.

→ Limited aura detection and telepathy. With permission, he can pick up surface thoughts from a person within a short distance. His aura detection allows him to know how powerful a certain character is, but not what kind of powers that person has.

→ Limited telekinesis. He can alter the path and the speed of objects that are already in motion up to a certain size and amount. He could easily shoot a dribbling basketball into a hoop but slowing down a falling tree would take some difficulty.


[Voice; Japanese, locked from #239923]

[Hysterical laughter is heard over the communicator]

HAHAHAHAHA! Stupid 000 thought he > Me. I am #1 at calculating math equations! He fails at recognizing the beauty behind numbers. I already figured out a 0% chance of him winning at the start!

CRUNCH! I’d add his failures to the heap!

So which one of you yoctograms thinks you can take on me? Or at least > #239923? I need a challenge now that I’m out of the UG plane. Ha! I bet none of are even in the same vector as me when it comes to beauty!

[#239923 is just a random person’s comm number XD]


Sho smirked as he lay against the trash heap. All those irritating co-workers back at the HQ were now far away from him. A whole ocean away, and he didn’t have to bother with the stupid Game Master duties anymore. The only reason he even accepted being the Game Master is so that he could rise through the ranks and become more powerful then god. He was more powerful then the Composer as far as he was concerned. Ha! Joshua was a lucky duck for now.

But how was he able to harness some of his powers within this strange American city? A strange plane implanted in-between the RG and UG. Whatever! He was satisfied that he still held some power in the living world. It was something not possible back home where only the Composer could use his power in the RG.

He also couldn’t help but laugh at the outlandish request that a computer of all things asked. A hero?? Like hell if he was going to convert into a goody two shoes. What was he, a player? Anything but a player, he was beyond any capabilities of a measly player.

As a few citizens passed by his junk pile, he couldn’t help but utilize the opportunity.


He laughed, the math expression only garnering odd looks from the passers-by.


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