Jul 28, 2037 10:54
well i'm officially the luckiest person ever..
Tuesday night went down the penthouse for a bit for a 'house meeting' sorted a few things out, Sian and the pissheads strolled in, as it was her birthday, sat around and then went to Audio.
Audio was alright, probs a bit better than I thought it would be, Bitches and Nike' shoes, Fix up look sharp, new york city cops being the highlights. Anyway left at about 12:30 with ball bag as i had work in the morning, so walked home. Got back unloaded my pockets and shock shock horror horror my passport was not there, this was especially bad as i'm goin to AMsterdam on Monday. Got really angry, and quite upset top be honest, punched the shit out of my wall, which was really stupid as my hand well hurts now. so went to bed but couldn't really sleep too well as i was so vexed.
Woke up the next day, remembered what i'd done, and then realised it was time for work, which as you can imagine made me even more angry. Work was shit and seemed to go for ages. Got home and got a fone call form my Dad, had the usual chat and then he said 'Guess what Luther found outside of audio last night, on the street?' FUCKING YES MATE it was my passport, now out of all the people that came out of the club, I actually cant beleive that it was Luther that found, mad props for that btw. I was so happy, so that really brightened up my day. In the evening went out for a few drinks as Mr Mettyear had returned. Went to the prince albert first for a few snakies, that i must say were delicious. The onto the prodigal which was so hot it was ridiculous, eventually got a seat by the window, which cooled us down a bit. After this went onto the walkabout for one and then went back to mine for abit with mettyear and arron.
Tonight boog boog??