Big Nerdy Convention! Yar!

Feb 04, 2003 08:43

Well, I promised you darlings that I'd write a journal entry, and so I am. The convention was an absolute blast. Well worth the 3.5 hour drive to get down there. ^_^

Wasn't dreadfully eventful After my Sociology exam, we loaded up my car with more stuff than we'd EVER need (That's a rule) And started out on the long drive. I had juuuust received a late christmas present from my father; A Lunascape CD, arriving in the mail.... from France; Yee! So, we listened to that initially and I LOVE it. I was the one driving, as my sister is a complete maniac at the wheel and she makes the car jolt nastily avout, and somehow alwas manages to baffle the transmission. SOOOO I drove, and we arrived all safe like. went and got our 3 day badges, checked out the video rooms, a few panels, and I made my one dealer's room purchase A Jack Skellington plushie. Can't help myself, and it was just ten bucks. We met up with the group in the labby at ten. They weren't hard to find. Ushicon's a small convention, but oddly enough, instead of having the sad, lam little failur of a con like AnimeFest, It just feels more buddyish. We all got intoduced to each other and moved out stuff up to the hotel room (Ish and me couldn't go up there earlier because the reservations were in Mike's name) We hung out a bit, went and saw a bizzare movie called Tree of Parum. The style was a lot like Little Nemo, which I loved, and at 1 AMish, I crawled into bed. Oh, and at some point, someone took a picture of my evil little dolly.

This one's the big day for a con. I got up bright and early, had some coffee, and put on my Mima Kirigoe form Perfect Blue Costume! And got lots of pict taken of me! Always a good thing!
Annnd now I know all the modifications I need to make it absolutely perfect for Akon. Nyee!Anyways, I also attended an event that was called Iron cosplay. It's based off the same premise as The Iron Chef, so basically you are given a table ful of absolutely random crap, from mismatched scraps of fabric to crazy straws, and then given a ~mystery item~ Ours was a tap light, and have 15 minutes to throw something aweful together. We made the best 15 minute Sailor Moon ever. EVER.
I think the duct tape tiara is what REALLY sets it off.
Saturday Night was the big cosplay event. I say event and not contest because there are no awards or prizes given out for it. We started off with my lovely sis running out all bleeding and not happy and stubbling and all alone, which utterly confused the audience as to what was happening, adn then when I can skipping merrily out, I actually got cheers and applause. Gotta love those psychotic killers. ^_~ So it went over well, and was a lot of fun. We got interviewed for some student documentry thing. Then went up to get changed for the dance. I completely wor myself OUT at the dance. Of course.... I also danced solidly from 10:00 to 2:20 AM... so I had to reason to be crashing into bed. I was also sore the next few days, but I'm allll better now. I like dances, because I'm just there to be wacky, not play up societie's wants and needs, or pick up guys to go have all kinds of sex with. I just want fun. So fun is what I have! whether it's a pesudo irish step line or twirling my sister, fun! Oh, and go see the new seires Argento Soma. It's fuggin fantastic.

Noooooo one wanted to get our of bed on Sunday. But with checkout at 12, eventually, we knew we had to. I went to a few more panels, said my goodbyes to the lovely people I met at the con, saw a bizzarely wonderful show called "Fruits Basket" and packed the car back up. We went to my favorite restraunt in Austin, Z Tejas (On 6th street, a few bloacks west of I-35, if you're ever in the area, and had -wonderful- food. At first Ish was driving... but her way of dealing with the Austin topography (Lots of steep hills. LOTS) was to try to press the gas lightly, like she can get away with when driving in nice, flat Dallas, find that the light pressing wasn't moving her up the hideously inclined hill, have a fit and slam her foot down on the gas, which causes the car to lurch grotesquely forward, so she panics and takes her foot off the gas entirely, which means the car starts being carried backwards again by gravity, so she panics and slams her foot all the wat down Again, and then all the wat off awain. On. Off. On. Off. On. Off. I was feeling sick, and sore, and Reaaaaaaaly goping I could trust her to drive my car, but no. I had to kick her out of the driver's seat. She was making me more sick than I was already. Z Tejas. Good food. Drive home, uneventful. Got online, and then went to bed, all full of fuzzy happy memories.
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