Who thought I be so relived to finally be going to school?

Jan 14, 2003 13:15

Registering for classes this Semester has been pure, unfettered HELL. Hell I tell you!
First, a glance into the past. Gren has just graduated unexpectedly with honors (I'll tell you about the unexpected part at the end of this entry) and so, wanting to be a good little American who goes to college, she has her applications already sent out and has been replied back to by UTD, a college which intrigued her because they were expanding their tech arts depertment, and getting a delightful new deany man transferred in. So she had her transcripts sent and her paperwork ad all those delightful things. Weeks and weeks later, she got a call. They said they had no transcripts. Soooo, she hand walked an unofficial transcript over, and had another one mailed. That's 3. And so they let her register and everything was fine and cuky for a whooooole semester. Until the begining of this year. When they decided to randomly contact the Gren to tell her "Unnnh... We still don't have your transcript."So she had an admissions hold and a registration hold, and until both were gone gone gone, no registering for the Gren. So she went to admission. Made with the chatty gabby bag. Asked them to double check. They had a transcript. But it had no graduation date. Sooo, BACK the Gren went to the high school, to find out she was 10 minutes too late to contact the councelor peoples, and she would have to come back tomarrow. Which she did. Got an unofficial transcript to porve she did indeed graduate and ordered an official one sent over. Back to UTS. Showed the unofficial, showed the diploma, for good measure, and told them offcial was on the way. Admissions smiles and took unofficial and lifted my hold. She called records up. Records said not until they got an official one. I pointed out they had an official one, and that all that was missing was a graduation date, which I was holding proof of, in the form of my diploma, and that another official was on it's way if they would just pretty please be patient. And asked if they could just lift the hold for this semester, so I could fragging register. They said they would. I got home. They didn't. And now their offices were closed for the weekend. Chumpy bastards. So I figured. Ehh. Paying late registration fees sucks, but I'm no a nice hefty scolarship, so the karma all balances out in the end. Checked on Monday so I could register. Not one, but now TWO holds from the records department, for the exact. Same. Thing. Raaaaaugh!!! And to make matters more delicious, the scedule I had worked out was all clases that were already filled. So I speant the day trying to figure a new scedule, which is quite difficult to do, when all the lower level classes have been flooded by Freshmen and lazy upperclassmen who had no transcript problems. Finally, went to the dean of my school. She fragging registered my new scedule for me, and the record department can fuck themselves. I start my Comp Science class at 3:30 tonight. Hah hah.

Now, about my unexpected honrs. Har! You had forgotten that part, hadn't you? Bastard.
Anyways, after my graduation ceremony, my mum comes up to me. "You never told me you graduated with honors!" At this, I had 2 options. To either behave like I am slightly absentminded and forgot to tell her, but am a wonderous daughter who got honors anyways, or to act like an absent minded daughter with no freaking clue about anything going on. As my brain was sleepy from the multi-hour ceremony, I chose the latter. "Hunh?" She pointed to the little brochure graduation thing, listing all 800 of my filthy classmates, and pointed to the little star by my name that means I graduated with honors. Thinking it to be a mistake, I took a good glance at my diploma. And there was a little bar. 'with honors'. You would have thought the bastards would have sent me a memo or something.
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