Congratulations!! Here's what you won!

Nov 13, 2006 08:01

"We'll never be able to bring closure to this Iraq matter unless we tell the truth about what happened... This is a matter of the heart--the heart of democracy itself. This is a matter of whether we're going to have a sober reflection about the events that have transpired since 9/11, with respect to Iraq. And until we do this, we will be trapped not only physically in Iraq, we'll be trapped emotionally and spiritually in Iraq. We may never get out of Iraq if we don't tell the truth."

Dubya finally, 6 years too late, called out on a lie.

NeoCons play the Blame Game (and show what a different reality they inhabit)

"There is no doubt that Iraq now forms a main base for terrorism," Saudi Arabia's interior minister on Sunday...

Insurgent activity in Afghanistan has risen fourfold this year, and militants now launch more than 600 attacks a month, a rising wave of violence that has resulted in 3,700 deaths in 2006, a bleak new report released Sunday found.

British authorities are tracking almost 30 high-priority terrorist plots involving 200 networks and 1,600 suspects, the head of Britain’s domestic spy agency said, adding that many of those under surveillance are homegrown terrorists plotting suicide attacks and other mass-casualty bombings.

Those familiar with the [Iraq] panel's work predict that the ultimate recommendations will not appear novel and that there are few, if any, good options left facing the country.

Robert Gates successfully navigated the legal and political perils of the Iran-Contra scandal... George W. Bush now has designated Gates as Donald H. Rumsfeld’s successor at the Pentagon, a job that will require the next defense secretary to find a different direction for the Iraq war, which has devastated the political fortunes of the Bush administration.

Pelosi, out to undo Dubya's damage rather than get bogged down in an impeachment spectacle, nonetheless gets some political advice from a bipartisan sample of D.C. insiders.
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